Page 6 of Blinded By Hate
I don’t need to get scolded like a toddler who did something bad.
The pills help me.
Yes, they might be bad for me, but they have made the nightmares go away drastically in the past year or so. I still get some, but since I started the new dosage they haven’t been as bad.
“Oh, Jaclyn, Jules said she wants you in her office to talk to you about a new, important project,” Jules’s assistant says as I walk past her.
“Sounds good, Diana. Thank you.” I smile at her before going into my office.
It’s small. I have a desk in the back of the room with a bookshelf to keep some of my books since I don’t have a space at home. I also have a pretty good view of the city.
I’ve worked at Sports Calling Media for about three years. This was the job where I started my journalism career. It was hard juggling this job and taking care of Junior because I wanted to be with him constantly. I hated taking him to daycare and not seeing him all day. Sometimes Jules would let him stay in my office on days where he would have a hard time at daycare.
Jules said all of the remote positions were filled up, but she’d let me know as soon as one opened up.
I’m one of the head journalists here at Sports Calling Media. I go out and do interviews with sports stars and then write a column about them for our magazine or website.
I put my purse on my desk and grab my notebook and pen before walking out of my office to head to Jules’. I knock before opening the door. I smile at Jules as I walk in.
“Morning,” I say as I sit in the chair in front of her.
“Morning, how’s that little munchkin of mine at home doing?”
Jules loves Junior. Whenever he comes into the office, everyone always loves giving him attention. Jules loves it when Junior visits and she always spoils him with hugs and cookies she has in her drawers.
“He’s good. He’s been asking for cookies lately and I don't know how to get him to stop,” I jokingly say.
“Well bring him in someday and he can get as many as he wants,” Jules says before grabbing a paper from her desk and handing it to me. “This is your new assignment.”
I look down at the paper and see a name that still haunts me to this day.
Hayden Night.
“What’s this?” I ask, as my heart races.
“Your new assignment. We got offered seats to his fight this Friday, front row, and we’re also able to have an interview with him after the fight in his dressing room. Media got in contact with his agent and we got an interview. We’ve been meaning to get one with him for months but Hayden Night is a hard person to get a hold of.”
Whatever she says afterwards kind of fades into the background.
Hayden Night.
The boy who would appear in my dreams at night to try and save me before the black hooded man would arrive.
Hayden Night was my knight in shining armor; until he wasn’t.
He’s the boy who made me truly know what it felt like to be loved. He gave me the kind of love that girls would read in books and wish for.
The fact that I have a part of him with me every single day used to make my heart ache but now I just see Junior for who he is.
I look down at the paper and see all the information needed for this interview. Where his room is, the passes, the location, the time, everything.
This is happening.
But it can’t.
I can’t see him in person. It will ruin me.
Everything I’ve built back up will be brought down with just a single look from him.