Page 2 of Stuck With His Mate
In contrast to his decidedly male and hard features, his lips look impossibly soft. Bow shaped, and perfected by a sensuously full lower lip, I can’t help but trace it with my eyes.
He is dressed in all black, with black leather shoes completing his ensemble of slacks and a shirt under a trench coat of the same color.
“Are you okay, Miss?” He asks, deep and lilting, with a voice so melodic it almost sounds like he is reciting poetry instead of inquiring about my condition.
“Angelina. My name is Angelina.” I immediately responded.
“Hello Angelina” He smiles.
“This is cliché, and played out, but I mean it. I owe you my life.” I rush out, almost like I need to tell it all to him more than I need to breathe. Predictably, I have to take a large breath right after.
Cool it! There’s enthusiasm, and there’s this. I remind myself, knowing I needed to focus on more important things.
“What were those things? I swear they came out of nowhere. And what is your name?” I question again before he can utter a word, all without taking my eyes off him.
He seems unable to take his dark eyes off me either, his dark penetrating gaze softened by apparent concern. I am struck by a deep and irrational longing to hold him, or touch his chiseled jaw at least.
“Don’t worry about them. You are safe now Angelina, trust me. My name is Williem.” He kindly comforts, calming me down by sounding like honey and warm marshmallows would sound like, if they could be heard.
A girl could easily be lulled to sleep by a voice like that. I admit to myself and I could definitely imagine it. I feel the remaining stress and tension leave my body.
Williem turns around to observe the bodies of the creatures, and I try to follow him but my leg gives up on me, as an unbidden whimper escapes my lips.
“What is it?’ William whirls around in a blur to look at me, and despite the pain from my burning calf, I can’t help but enjoy the attention from him as he guides me to sit on a nearby stump so he can take a look at me.
“Where are you hurt Angelina?”
He touches my leg with the utmost care and tenderness, as he raises the cuff of my pants to get a good look at my calf. I point to it as the culprit, not trusting my voice to let out words instead of a groan.
It all goes downhill from here.
I know the moment he sees the bite, not because he flinches or offers any platitudes, but because of how abruptly he drops the material of my pants with an expression I could only describe as disgust, plastered on his face.
“It's not that bad, is it? I mean, I’m up to date on my shots. It’s not even deep so I’m going to be okay. Just need some disinfectant” I say, in as optimistic a voice as I can manage while doing my best to ignore the pain.
“You are not going to be okay. You may die, or worse.” Williem deadpans. “You need to come with me. Now.”
She is infuriating.
This tiny and beautiful woman is both breathtaking and maddening at the same time, and it is driving me mad.
From the moment I caught her scent, it had taken all of my attention to focus on the rogues, and so I tried to get them out of the way as quickly as possible.
Maneuvering around their claws and fangs, severing the tendons located behind their joints, and finally relieving them of their heads, was the quickest and most efficient way to put them down.
Immediately after checking Angelina over, I place a call to my sentinel and second-in-command, Lake, requesting transport and assistance cleaning up the bodies.
Their remains will return to their human forms, and the last thing we needed is for the police to pick up what they would think were the corpses of strange creatures, only to have them turn back into human remains by morning.
It would only bring unwanted attention to this town, and Riviera didn’t need that. Trusty as always, Lake picks up on the first ring.
“What’s up Alpha?” He perkily asks, loudly chewing gum with an accompanying goofy grin on his face that I can’t see but is definitely present, very much at odds with the ruthless killer nature hiding behind it.
“I’ve got four rogues downtown. Neutralized, but I need cleanup”
“Any casualties?” The chewing stops, he is now as serious as a heart attack. I can hear the tension down the phone.