Page 6 of Stuck With His Mate
“Yes, I do.”
“There are a number of groups, responsible for different tasks in the pack. There is the highest ranking group, the Sentinels, who are responsible for the defense of the pack.
An elite group designed specifically to hunt and take down rogues, the Sentinels are too great a height for you to aspire to.” He sneers, and I am confused. What was going on?
Williem had been pleasant and caring but all of that had just disappeared in just a few days. Too great a height for me to aspire to? Just watch and see! I declare. I am going to wipe the condescending expression off his face.
”There are also the rangers who are responsible for scouting and detecting threats in the perimeter surrounding us. Working as a ranger requires speed. Another thing you do not possess.”
Okay…what the fuck is going on? This is no longer ribbing or jokes, this is Williem being disgustingly condescending, and talking down on me.
I won’t take it!
“Is there any other group which does things I can actually do, or is this going to be an hour long session of you talking down to the little human?”
He seems almost shocked, maybe confused that I would call him out on his behavior, and just for a second I think I will get an apology. All hopes of that are lost when he resumes talking.
“Do not interrupt me when I am talking. Even the pups here know not to interrupt higher ranking Lykans. But then again you are human.” He drawls out, and now I am seething.
I don’t know why he has decided to antagonize me, but I’ll be damned if I take it lying down. “Yes, thank goodness we have established the fact that I am human, and so I am less in every way, three times now by my counting, can we move on to the important stuff now… Sir” I say, rolling my eyes with the intent of letting him see it.
If he was going to try his darndest to piss me off, he had better be ready to deal with a pissed off Angelina.
“Since you’re not going to actually listen to me, I’ll be as brief as possible. There are healers, Technos, and Matrons. They are responsible for healthcare, technological concerns, and cooking respectively.
You can do any they deem you fit for. And if you can’t, well that means you are less useful than the pups. And the pups are prepubescent.” He grits his teeth, addressing me with what is clearly anger at my flippant manner, but I don’t care.
He could have been a decent person and talked politely but he didn’t and now, he has ruined my mood. My only consolation was that I have done the same to him.
With our business concluded, I leave, resentment and anger burning in my gut. Hopefully it’ll give me that extra push to be amazing.
One thing is certain, I don’t like Williem. First impression notwithstanding.
My trainer, Jonathan, a veteran in his fifties, declares me strong in spirit, but unfortunately just not strong enough physically.
“You did good kiddo, honestly I mean it, pull through this change and you will be strong enough to be one of the best of us.” He promises, and his kind words light a fire in me, filling me with determination to face the next trial head-on.
Sadly, the next couple of words I hear put a dampener on that.
“I don’t think she can be one of the best of us Jon. I hope she pulls through the change, but look at her. She looks like she’s been pampered all her life.” Williem announces from behind me, filling me with a rush of hate I had never felt before.
For some reason Williem’s prejudice towards humans which I had first noticed in the car drive to the territory seems to have worsened, and any camaraderie we might have had is dead. He makes no secret of his disdain for humans, but at the same time, I can't get rid of him.
I grit my teeth in anger, and if I wasn’t certain he was fast enough to completely avoid it, I would have thrown a punch right into his smug face.
Williem casually strolls into my view, looking as handsome as always, but his hateful words make it so easy to ignore it.
“Besides, she’s human, and we know too well what they are all like” He sneers, and I decide right there and then that I would constantly rub his face in it when I finally make Sentinel.
“Better to be a human than an ass. Hell, even a rogue is better, at least they’re infected and we know why they behave as they do. You are an ass by choice.” I airily declare before I walk off.
I don’t turn back, but I could feel his gaze burning into me, even as Jonathan defends me.
My next couple of trials go well enough, with the trainers in charge of assessments deciding I would do better as a healer than a ranger, although I qualify to be either.
I decided to be trained as a healer, only because I am uncertain about my ability to keep up with the speed required to be a ranger, especially as I am told I would get weaker and sicker as the full moon approached.
Being part of the healer group is amazing. Alyssa, Chief healer, is an amazing woman, welcoming and impossibly kind, we clicked right off the bat.