Page 21 of Sighs By the Sea
He hands over the bag, and my greedy hands grab the first bundle of sugary sweetness I can find. The sugary glaze coats my fingers, and I savor the first bite, the sweetness melting in my mouth.
Munching on my treat, I give a nod so he'll start to explain. “Tilly Jacobs, aka Cardenas, owner of the surf shop. She’s the only one listed on her grandfather’s visitor sheet.”
“You’re thinking he ordered the hit on Grayson?”
“Bingo. I mean, he ordered one on her boyfriend. Since you have an in with Grayson…” He licks his lips, and I toss a balled-up napkin his way. I told my partner about the fiery kiss and how Grayson had taken care of my bullet graze after the shootout. To an outsider, it might seem strange, but Harry is a good man and a very close friend. We work well together, even if I have to help him relearn outdated gender stereotypes.
“I haven’t spoken to him all week.”
“No time like the present,” he says.
“I don’t even have his number,” I admit. Chances are, if I did, I would have at least checked in on him. The San Diego Police Department had been briefed on the situation and promised to increase their patrols in his neighborhood after the shootout, but ultimately decided it was a random drive-by. That doesn’t sit well with me. That car had been aiming for me and Grayson.
Harry winks. “You’re a detective, figure it out.”
I take another bite and turn back to my computer. Harry slaps my back roughly and walks off. Within ten minutes, I have his number. A phone contract under his cousin’s name. Tilly seems to be taking a lot of interest in him since his time in jail. That’s interesting but not entirely unusual. Still, I make a mental note about it.
I pull out my phone and program his information in with a smile at the nickname I pick. Once that's done, I send a quick text.
Me: Hey Grayson, it’s Maggie.
The three dots appear immediately.
Sexy Jailbait: ?
Yeah, I saved him as that. Sue me.
Me: Detective Parker?
Sexy Jailbait: I know who Maggie is. I was asking what you want.
Oh, someone is sore that I said no to drinks. So short-tempered and impatient. Why does that give me a small thrill?
Me: Just wondering how you are. I’ve been thinking about you.
Oof, too much. I quickly type out an addition.
Me: And George, of course. How are you?
Watching the dots appear and disappear so many times is agonizing. The man is obviously struggling with what he wants to say back to that.
Sexy Jailbait: We are fine. Police said it was a gang-related drive-by. They have a member in custody so things are fine. George is fine.
All business, of course. Right as I'm about to call time of death on any future repeat kisses, a second text appears.
Sexy Jailbait: I've been thinking of you too.
My heart gives a small flutter.
Me: Yeah? Is it because you can't figure out how to build the Batmobile?
His response is immediate. A photo of the Lego set, more pieces added on, but not quite finished. I smile and write back.
Me: !!!
Sexy Jailbait: ??
Oh. I like that emoji coming from him.