Page 49 of Sighs By the Sea
She shakes her head and grabs onto my arm. I think it’s half to keep from falling over and half because she likes touching me. We’re waiting for an Uber outside the gate to the Coronado Naval Air Station, where we’d flown in. Axe was carted off to the San Diego Police for felony trespassing. Lars, Axe’s brother, is being detained for forging supply records and helping a convict on base. The brothers are in a heap of trouble. Not surprising, since they’re both gang-affiliated. The military doesn’t take kindly to that sort of thing.
“You can’t head back to LA; it’s the middle of the night,” I say.
“That’s why I’m staying with you,” she says, smiling up at me.
“Maggie,” I start but shake my head. Having her in my home is a bad idea. But I suppose since it’s late, and I can always sleep on the couch, I shouldn’t fight her too much. “You know what? Fine. I’m too tired to argue.”
Our Uber pulls up, and I open the door for her. Once inside, the driver doesn’t say a word, just drives. Maggie snuggles up next to me and lays her head on my shoulder. I wrap an arm around her, mostly because she’ll fall over if I don’t.
A half-hour later, I slip my arms under her knees and pull her out. “I can walk,” she says without much conviction. I laugh lightly, the rumble vibrating through her. She keeps her eyes closed as I carry her to the elevator and then to my apartment.
I set her down in my bed and tuck the covers around her. She looks beautiful against my dark sheets, her red, somewhat dirty hair spread over my pillow. Oranges. The scent of that delicious fruit, which seems to linger around her, will be on the bed long after she’s gone. I already know it will drive me crazy. When she smiles as she sinks into the soft blankets, I have the urge to climb in next to her. Just one night, I try to convince myself. But it wouldn’t be enough. A thousand nights wouldn’t be enough. Better not to know how she feels in my arms than to try for a single night together. “Night, Maggie,” I say softly, and kiss her forehead.
“Night, Mr. Cardenas,” she mumbles, already drifting off to sleep. With every ounce of restraint I have, I walk to the couch, content to know that at least I’ll get to smell her on my sheets tomorrow.
Sunlight filters in through the dark drapes, and my eyes flutter open. It’s only seven a.m., according to the clock on Grayson’s bedside table. Damn my internal clock. I get up and swipe at my stinging eyes. The other half of the bed is still made—he hadn’t slept with me. I tiptoe out of the bedroom and find him cuddled up on the couch with a Batman blanket.
Georgie must have a huge thing for Batman. I’ll have to remember that. Creeping past his sleeping form, I head to the kitchen and quietly start a pot of coffee.
With silent footsteps, I go to the bathroom and turn on the shower. After washing with whatever soap is available, I grab one of the thick towels and wrap it around me. But as I start to towel off, I catch my reflection in the mirror. Grayson is still hiding behind his walls, but I know he wants this as much as I do. If only I could break them down, show him how great we are together.
Opening the towel, I take in the sight of my body. I look good. Keeping fit as an officer is important to me. Maybe he just needs to see that. Tucking the towel back around me, I stride out of the bathroom.
He’s still asleep on the couch, a cute little frown on his face. I drop the towel and slowly climb over him. His dark eyes open lazily, and when he lays eyes on my naked body, I feel his cock wake up beneath me too.
I lean down and start kissing his neck. "Good morning, Mr. Cardenas. I made coffee," I say.
His legs start shifting on the couch. "Maggie?" he asks, his eyes hazy. "What the hell are you doing?"
"Taking what I want, Gray."
He sits up, gently pushing me back as he does. "Maggie, stop." My head bent down, I get back onto my feet.
"I, uh, thought—"
"You thought wrong. I'm not interested."
That pisses me off. He was certainly interested in the car yesterday. Then he had his giant paws all over me when other men gave me attention on the boat and on the base. He was practically stabbing Roger with his eyes. Then doing it again whenever Hobbs offered me a helping hand. So he's a liar. A sexy one, but still, a liar.
"You're going to have to do better than that," I scoff. Here I am, naked and waiting while Grayson pretends he's not attracted to me.
"Now, you’re just embarrassing yourself. I don’t want this. I never said I did."
"You finger blasted me in a parking lot!" I yell. His neighbors are certainly getting a free ticket to our drama this morning.
I slap a hand against my thigh. "And now you can't even think of any lie to justify it! Just admit it, you like me!"
"It's early! I haven't had coffee, and we were up late. Give me a minute," he says and sits up. His hands wipe down his face, scrubbing some of the frustrated wrinkles away. "I don't want a relationship," he finally sighs out.
I click my tongue and push him back down. "That’s an even bigger lie. Look at your place." I gesture around the room like it will prove my point. "This screams two-point-five children and a dog. You're just scared."
"I…" He looks around the room, trying to find another answer that would convince me, but I’m chuckling again as I reposition myself on his lap. "Stop thinking so much. Be with me, Grayson," I say. I lick his earlobe, and he groans. "Do you want me, Gray?"
His body shudders. "More than anything." I pull the blanket off him and toss it to the floor. Grayson only has his briefs on, and I get a good look at his abs.