Page 7 of Pretend Girlfriend
Theo’s eyebrows rose. “Nah, I love that movie. Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan? Say less.” He shook his head. “It’s great because you spend the entire movie knowing more than the two characters. Creates a whole bunch of tension. I need to rewatch it.”
Likes my favorite movie? Theo gets a point back.
“My turn. Favorite sandwich condiment?” Theo asked.
“Mustard. Zero calories.”
“Smart. Mine’s ranch.”
“That’s a dressing, not a sandwich condiment.”
He smiled slyly. “You ever put ranch on a turkey sandwich instead of mayo? It’ll blow your mind.”
“I’ll remember that the next time I’m ordering at the deli.” I frowned. “Let’s see. What other easy first-date questions can we ask…”
“Favorite band?” Theo suggested.
“AC/DC,” I answered proudly. “Dad took me to see them when I was nine. As soon as I saw Angus Young duck-walking across the stage, I was hooked.”
“I’m a Led Zeppelin guy myself,” Theo said. “Never got to see them live.”
“John Bonham died before you were born, so that unfortunately makes sense.”
Theo crossed his meaty arms over his chest and narrowed his eyes. “Okay, we’ve covered favorite band. Now for the best question: who’s your actual favorite musician, that you’re too embarrassed to tell people?”
I scoffed. “You’re doubting my AC/DC answer?”
“Not at all.”
“Then who’s your favorite musician that you’re too embarrassed to tell people?”
He answered without hesitation: “Carly Rae Jepsen.”
I almost did a spit-take. “The Call Me Maybe girl?”
Theo jabbed a finger in my direction. “Canada’s sweetheart Carly Rae Jepsen is so much more than a one-hit wonder. Her entire discography is full of bangers. Emotion and The Loveliest Time are absolutely flawless albums.”
Laughing, I patted the air. “Okay, okay, I didn’t mean to get you all worked up. Harry Styles is my answer. And yes, his attractiveness is a large part of why I like his music.”
“No judgment here. He’s a good-looking dude. And Music for a Sushi Restaurant slaps hard. Just like this martini.” He took a long sip, slurping the drink with intentional noise.
At the table next to us, Helen put some cash under her glass and left.
“She probably hates Harry Styles,” Theo whispered.
Giggling, I asked, “What about secret skills? Got anything interesting?”
“Define secret,” he replied.
“Hmm. Let’s say a skill that fewer than five people know about.”
“That’s tough. Most of my skills aren’t secret.”
“Because you brag about them?” I teased.
“Fuck yeah I do,” he said. “What’s the point in being good at something if nobody ever finds out?” He gave his head a shake. “Wait a minute. I’ve got one. I can read palms.”
I perked up. “Really?”