Page 11 of Brandt's Rule
“I’m so excited you’re going with me to have dinner. I’ve been craving Vince’s burgers, and I hate going alone.”
“No one would go with you?”
Bailey shrugged. “I don’t have a lot of friends. I don’t really fit in with the mainstream.”
Tempest smiled as she watched the scenery go by. “Mainstream?”
“Yeah, the norm. The usual everyday people.”
“That’s a good thing. If you were like the usual people, there’d be nothing interesting about you.” Tempest turned to look at Bailey’s profile, and smiled at her. “Someone I think very highly of once told me that if they don’t want to be your friend, they’re probably not the best people for you to be with anyway. He said when you meet someone that is supposed to be your friend, you’ll know it.”
“He sounds like someone very special. And very smart, too.”
“His words helped me a lot growing up,” Tempest admitted.
Twenty minutes later Bailey put on her blinker and turned into the parking lot of a bar and grill. “This is it,” she announced. “It looks like a bar, but it’s actually a bar and grill. They’ve got the best burgers ever. I think I said that. A couple of times. Sorry. I tend to get excited and repeat myself.”
“I don’t mind.”
“And the onion rings. Oh my God! The onion rings! We have to get those, too. Unless you like fries, and they have good fries, too.”
“I’m really, really hungry. All your talking about food has me eager to get inside.”
“Let’s go then,” Bailey said, getting out of the car and continuing to chatter as they walked inside.
They waited a few moments before a handsome young man walked by with a tray laden with food. “Y’all sit wherever you want. I’ll be right with you.”
“Thanks,” Bailey said, winking at him as she led Tempest to a booth across the room.
“You like that young man?” Tempest asked.
“Not really. He’s a little young for me. I just flirt with everybody that’s not attached.”
“What about the man from this morning? Do you like him?”
“Well, he’s more my age, but he’s so grumpy. If he asked, I wouldn’t say no, but I’m pretty sure he won’t ask. He’s not interested.”
Tempest nodded and her fingers fidgeted with the napkin holder and laminated cards advertising the desserts that were available.
“Why? Do you like him?”
“I’m not sure. He’s a little unnerving.”
“Oh, you really like him.”
“I don’t know him. I just know that he’s suspicious of me.”
“I saw him watching me today.”
“Ohhh, maybe he really likes you!”
“I’m sorry.”
“What? Don’t apologize for that. Good for you if he likes you.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt your feelings.”