Page 21 of Brandt's Rule
“And to get a new starting place,” Mav said.
“Yeah. I really needed to start again.”
“I told her to come down here and we’d see if we could find a job for her since she’s looking for a job, too,” Remi reminded them needlessly, just so he could feel like he had a hand in reuniting them.
“Hell yeah, you got a job. What you want to do? You want to work in the office with Remi? Avaleigh used to, but she’s gone part-time or only some-time. You could help Remi out. His Dragon don’t like being locked up so he only works on the books a couple days a week.”
“I’d rather be outside doing whatever you need. I’ve got experience building things, that’s what you’re doing here, isn’t it? I can’t sit at a desk.”
“You know how to build?” Maverik asked her.
“Yes, I do. I’m pretty good at it.”
“Of course, you are,” Maverik said proudly. “Alright, that’s enough. Hey!” he shouted loud enough for any and all to hear, “We going home. Tempest is going to be here bright and early. She’s gonna work with us.” He put his arm around Tempest’s shoulders and started walking her toward his bike. “Valerie’s gonna be so stoked to see you! She’s making pork chops and mashed potatoes tonight. You like pork chops?”
“Fried, yes, I do. One of my favorites.”
“That’s my girl! I knew you’d like fried pork chops. That’s my special meal. Comfort food at its best!”
“I have my bike over there,” Tempest said, pointing over her shoulder toward her own bike when Maverik came to a stop near his.
For the first time Maverik stopped and looked over at Tempest’s bike. Noticed it was almost exactly like his, and realized what he’d felt from her when he was hugging her was relief. It was the sense of a deep cleansing breath being taken for the first time in a long time. For whatever reason this girl had attached herself to him in the short time they’d crossed each others’ paths, and she’d come to him for a new start, for acceptance even. “Darlin’, it’s gonna be just fine. You did right by coming to find me. You hear me baby girl? You gonna be okay,” he said, nodding to reaffirm his words.
Tempest nodded and blinked away a brief, but shocking sting of tears that came out of nowhere.
“Get your bike, let’s go say hi to Valerie.”
Tempest hesitated. “I promised Bailey that I’d have dinner with her tonight. I don’t want to let her down.”
“I’ll go for you,” Remi said all too quickly.
“Are you sure? I don’t have a phone to call her and let her know myself,” Tempest said.
“I’ll tell her what happened,” Remi said.
“Thank you. If you could let her know I’ll see her a little later.”
Remi nodded.
“Ronan!” Maverik called.
“I’ll meet you at home, Daddy,” Ronan said.
“Alright. Drive careful, boy,” Maverik said, still grinning ear to ear that Tempest had come looking for him. “Tempest, you ready?” he asked, cranking his bike.
“I am,” she said, bringing her own to life and pulling on her helmet.
“We gonna be back in the morning. You don’t mind if Tempest works with us for a while, do you?” Maverik shouted to Brandt. “Tell Barron for me.”
“Would it matter if I did?” Brandt asked.
“Not a damn bit,” Maverik said, laughing mischievously.
Brandt shook his head, then watched his Uncle Maverik ride away with Tempest bringing up the rear. The woman who’d completely altered his personality. The woman who had upended him so much so that his own clan was acting out. The woman that had thrown a wrench into his perfectly planned and controlled life. “Can’t have this shit happening,” Brandt whispered to himself. “Will not allow this shit to happen,” Brandt said decisively.
“Hey, Brandt? I figure since everybody is pretty much backing off what they were doing, we call it a day,” Barron said, walking toward him.
Brandt turned around to find Barron coming to a stop near him. “Yeah,” he agreed.