Page 28 of Brandt's Rule
“I don’t see anybody else wanting to add me to their table, so…”
Remi sat back and held his hands out to his sides, palms up, as though to say, ‘Right here, I’m right here’. “Is there some reason you can’t share a meal with me?” he asked.
Bailey’s eyes rounded as she realized Remi was planning to stay and have dinner with her. “No. I just never thought you’d want to. I didn’t want to put you on the spot.”
“Why would you think you’d put me on the spot?” Remi asked.
“I just didn’t even think you knew who I was other than that girl that works at the coffee shop.”
Remi nodded, then leaned forward, his chest resting against the table between them as he whispered to her. “I’ll tell you a secret, I don’t like coffee.”
“But, you come in for coffee all the time,” she said, not understanding.
“Yes. I do. Wonder why I’d do that?” he asked mysteriously just as Jonah arrived at their table with both of Bailey’s orders and Remi’s, too.
“Here we go. Two burgers, rings, and chocolate shakes for Bailey, the same but with a beer for Remi.”
“Thanks,” Remi said, accepting his food and reaching for the ketchup bottle to squeeze out the requisite amount to dredge his onion rings through.
“Are you sure you’re not being forced to sit here with me?” Bailey asked. “You won’t hurt my feelings, just be honest.”
Remi stopped prepping his food and looked up at Bailey. “Bailey, I will never, ever hurt you. Not your feelings or anything else. And if I didn’t want to be here, I wouldn’t be. Eat. Keep me company. You might find I’m not as bad as you think I am.”
“I never said I thought you were bad. I just didn’t think you ever noticed me.”
“Yet I drink coffee everyday when I’d much rather have tea, or even an energy drink,” Remi remarked as he sprinkled salt over his food.
“Y’all got somebody else meeting you, or you want me to pack up the other burger and rings to go?” Jonah asked.
“You can leave it. We’ll eat it,” Remi said.
“What about Tempest?” Bailey asked.
“She’s having pork chops and mashed potatoes with Maverik’s family.”
Bailey smiled. “I’m so glad she found her friend and he’s being nice to her.”
Remi watched her for a second before smiling himself. “You really mean that.”
“I do. She’s my friend.”
“I know. Your bestie, bff and all that. You told me,” Remi said with a grin.
“She’s my only friend,” Bailey said softly, unsure of why she felt the need to be completely honest with Remi.
Remi looked up and their eyes met. “No, she’s not. I’m right here.”
“Hey, you not running off are you?” Maverik asked, following Tempest out to her bike after she’d already said goodbye to him, Valerie, and Ronan.
Tempest turned and looked at him. “I don’t run. Besides, why would you think that?”
“You found me. Got caught up, no reason to hang around. Questions are answered,” Maverik said.
Tempest smiled and shook her head. “You still think all I wanted was answers?”
“I suppose not,” Maverik said with a grin. “Just not quite ready to see you ride off yet.”