Page 52 of Brandt's Rule
Brandt looked uncomfortable for a moment or two before he sheepishly answered. “Y’all familiar with the elemental magic stuff?”
“She’s an elemental witch?” Delilah asked, clearly impressed.
“No, she’s just elemental. Holds some of the balance of nature in check so that the world don’t implode or something,” Brandt said.
Maverik laughed.
“What are you laughing at?” Bane asked.
Maverik shrugged. “Just makes sense. It all makes sense now.” He looked at Brandt. “Boy, you have the chance here to live a life and experience things not a damn one of us could even imagine. Your female is something so unique, so powerful, so strong, that if she even decides to look your way, you need to thank her profusely, because she chose you. Not because she had to, but because she wants to. If you screw this up, I’m fairly certain you won’t get a do over. Don’t fuck this up like most of us almost did. Like I certainly did, and thank the Gods Valerie gave me another shot, by the way.”
“Did you know all this about her?” Bane asked Maverik.
“I know about the Dragon, I know about the Gargoyle — she hinted at it when she came to dinner the other night, the rest, not so much, but thinking back it all figures into place,” Maverik said.
“Are you sure about this?” Bane asked Brandt.
Brandt stood up and pushed his chair back in. “No. But I know that I can’t turn away from her either. So, I guess we’ll just see what happens.”
“What if it doesn't work out, Brandt?” Bane asked.
Brandt shrugged.
“What if it does, though?” Delilah asked.
Brandt nodded. “We’ll see what happens. One thing is for sure, we’re both feeling something. And if I learned anything from listening to the stories of all y’all finding your mates and claiming them, doesn’t matter what she is. Hell, it doesn’t even matter what I am. All that matters is that she’s mine. All I need to know.” He patted his dad on the back and gave a half-hearted wave toward everybody else. “I’ll see y’all soon. Thanks for the pie Aunt Delilah. Best one yet.”
“You’re very welcome. And, Brandt?” she called after him as he started toward the living room.
“Yes, ma’am?” he asked, looking back at her.
“Christmas is end of next week. Bring your mate. She belongs here with us.”
Brandt smiled. “Yes, ma’am. That’s what Daisy said. Said she was golden.”
“Hold on, Daisy met her?” Bane asked.
“Fast friends the moment they met.”
“Well, that’s all I need to know,” Bane said.
“So, Daisy’s first impression of her matters, but mine doesn’t, and I’m supposed to lead us all into the next decade?” Brandt asked with a laugh.
“It’s about your mate. You might not see things clearly,” Bane said.
“I’ll see y’all later,” Brandt said, smiling and shaking his head.
“Come tell your mom before she hears about it from somebody else,” Bane said.
“I will. But I don’t even know what’s going to happen yet.”
“You found her. That’s enough to tell,” Bane said. “I’m happy for you.”
“Thanks, Dad.”
After he was gone, Kaid smiled and walked over to Delilah, pulling her into his arms. “I remember feeling exactly like that. I didn’t care what was going on inside you, as long you and everything about you was mine.”
“Yep. I remember that, too,” Bane said. “Also remember being on guard, worried about my mate and our baby.”