Page 59 of Brandt's Rule
“Because I asked her to come with me so she could meet you.”
Tempest’s smile fell as she looked into Brandt’s eyes.
“Are we really going to ignore what’s happening here?” he asked, wearing a smirk.
“I’m not really sure what’s happening here. I don’t have a lot of experience with dating. In fact, I have zero experience with dating, if I’m being honest here.”
Brandt took in a slow even breath and let it out just as slowly as he lifted a hand and smoothed his thumb over her jawline to dislodge a strand of hair the wind had blown there. He leaned toward her, taking his time, giving her plenty of time to pull away or make any move to stop him. When she didn’t, he very gently pressed his lips to hers. He moved back only centimeters so that he could still feel the warmth of her lips while he spoke to her. “You don’t need experience dating. Because this is so much more than dating. I’m pretty sure this is the only time either of us will ever experience anything like it.”
Tempest inhaled in preparation of responding, but instead of giving her time to voice her thoughts, he simply pressed his lips to hers again, then took her hand and led her toward the front of the building where his truck waited. He opened the passenger side door, helped her get in, then strapped her in securely with the seatbelt. “You comfortable?”
“Yes,” she answered, wearing a silly little grin as he closed the door and walked around to the driver’s side. He got in and put the truck in gear since he’d left it running with the heater on so it would be warm for her. He looked over at her and realized this was the first step in both their lives. The moment he’d always remember. “What’s that little smile for?” he asked.
Tempest shrugged. “I just, other than my parents, I’ve never been taken care of before. You helping me get in, making sure I’m safely strapped in, leaving the truck running so that I’d be warm when I got in, I’ve never experienced anything like that.”
“Surely somebody has taken care of you and made sure you were comfortable, safe.”
“Immediate family, yes. Anyone else… they just assume that I’ve got it whatever it is because of my strengths.” Tempest took an uneasy breath as she looked out of the windshield before meeting his gaze again. “It’s nice to feel valued, cared for, instead of everyone expecting you to do everything that needs done just because you’re strong enough to.”
“I hope you don’t grow to mind it, because it’s my nature to take care of what matters to me. You matter to me.”
Tempest smiled at him shyly. “You matter to me, too.”
Brandt accelerated and started them on the drive to his parents’ house. “Tempest, I think maybe there’s a lot of room for misunderstanding between us, and I don’t want that to happen. I’m overbearing and I don’t always communicate the best I could. I’m Alpha, and I just assume those around me will do one of two things — honor it, or challenge it. I’m fine with either, but it’s not a conscious thought with me. I’m just me and sometimes that rubs people the wrong way.”
“Really? I hadn’t noticed.”
When he glanced her way to find her wearing a comical expression, he laughed. “What I’m saying is if I do something or say something that doesn’t sit right with you, call me on it. Don’t let it turn into something bigger than it needs to be. This whole thing is new to me, too. But I think the best way through it is with transparency. Tell me if I screw up, why I’ve screwed up, and I’ll do my best to fix it.”
“Same. I’ve grown up having to take no one’s feelings into account but my own, so I can tend to be a little headstrong. A little independent. If I do or say something that hurts you, or that you take as an insult or an affront, please let me know. I can assure you it won’t be intentional.”
“So, we’re doing this thing, then,” Brandt asked after a few more minutes, glancing toward her a few times before returning his focus to the road ahead of them.
“I’m not sure what ‘this thing’ is, but I’m here, and I’m interested to see where it leads,” Tempest said.
“Do you know what I am?” Brandt asked.
“You’re a Bear shifter,” Tempest said.
“What do you know about shifters?”
“Some. Not a lot, but enough to claim general knowledge.”
“My father is a Bear shifter, Grizzly and Black hybrid. My mother is human, obviously. Most shifters recognize their mate on sight. They can choose and often do when they grow tired of waiting for a mate they don’t think will ever show up, but apparently, I’m luckier than that. My mate has walked into my life.”
Tempest looked at him and he wasn’t sure if he saw excitement or fear.
“Maybe a little of both,” she said softly.
Brandt smiled at her. “Like that. You read my thoughts. I’ve not added you to my clan, we shouldn’t be connected like that. But we are. It’s just another level of confirmation.”
“I’m not a shifter,” she admitted. “Though I do have shifter blood.”
“I know. Dragon.”
“My father’s blood.”
“I remember,” Brandt said.