Page 62 of Brandt's Rule
She chuckled a little. “It’s like admitting it, but not.”
“So be it. We are for the moment, acknowledging only to each other this ‘whatever it is’ between us.”
Tempest nodded.
“But I think I should mention for the sake of honesty that my mother knows.”
“I remember you saying that.”
“And my father, and my Uncle Kaid, and Aunt Delilah, and Uncle Mav.”
“Maverik? Maverik knows?”
“Yeah. He said if I hurt you in anyway, he’d fuck me up and would have to just deal with the fallout at that point.”
Tempest smiled sadly. “Just please don’t. If you don’t want this, just say so. No games. No pretending when you know it’s not quite right for you. Honesty can hurt, but at least it’s not intentional deceit.”
“Same. And if you leave, once I track you down, I’ll just convince you all over again that you’re supposed to be here.”
“Track me down?”
“Yep. I’m feeling like you might be a flight risk,” he teased. “Don’t want you to leave.”
“I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was a little afraid, but I’m sitting here. Waiting to see what happens. I haven’t run yet.”
“Don’t think I’m not aware that you could leave at any time. I appreciate you giving us a chance.”
“You know, you don’t have to do this,” Tempest said, feeling uneasy about Brandt having to choose her because of being his mate.
Brandt patted his chest just above his heart. “Yeah, I do.”
Tempest smiled, and luckily he didn’t catch the fact that it wasn’t quite as bright as before.
“Back on the road to my Mama’s?” he asked.
Tempest nodded.
Chapter 14
Brandt slowed his truck and pointed to a turnoff in a curve that seemed to be nothing but a wooded area with a dirt road with a locked barricade across it, and a heavy dense growth of trees on either side. “That right there, that’s my place. That road opens up as it gets away from the highway. Everything back there is ours. My place is near the back on the river. Barron’s is just down from mine. Hellen’s place is about halfway between the road and my place to the left, there are a couple of cleared lots, that we haven't built on yet near her for her brothers when the time comes. Then if you turn right instead of left onto her road, you’ll find Remi’s place and beyond that is Christian’s place and a couple of cleared lots. Christian’s in New Orleans, working on his residency and only comes home occasionally, but his place is still there when he wants it. There are plenty of other places to build back there. I’ve got more cousins that haven’t even chosen their build spots yet. I have an idea of where I want Daisy’s place to be, but she’s not officially said anything about it. Got a lot of acreage for anybody else we take into the clan.”
“Wow, that’s impressive.”
“It’s not much, but it’s ours and it’ll always be home. I’d like to show it to you in the daylight sometime.”
“I’d love to see it.”
Brandt smiled. “It’s a date then. After this one.”
Tempest laughed.
“Better get on to my Mama’s. She’ll be chafed by the time we get there if we’re late.”
“I don’t want to seem disrespectful,” Tempest worried.
“Naw, I’ll just tell her I was showing you my place. She’ll understand. Here it is anyway, just a couple miles past mine.” He flipped on his blinker and slowed down so he could turn left. They drove slowly up the driveway through the trees as he pointed and remarked about certain things on each side of the road they were on. Eventually they could see lights up ahead and as they got closer to a large farmhouse on the right, he pointed to it. “That house you can see through the trees? That’s my Uncle Kaid and Aunt Delilah’s house. I grew up with him being Alpha of our shifter clan. Everybody’s aging now, and I’m moving into the position to give him some freedom from it.”
“Were you always meant to be Alpha?” Tempest asked.