Page 72 of Brandt's Rule
“Very sure. Family first, always,” she said, still holding tightly to his hand.
“We’ll do the Christmas Festival another night. It goes straight through to Kings Day, which is January 6th, so we have plenty of time to go see it,” Brandt promised.
“I’d like to do that,” Tempest said as Brandt led her away from the table and into the living room.
“I hate for y’all to leave already,” Bane said.
“Me, too,” Tempest answered. “I don’t want to overstay my welcome, though.”
“Seriously? Sit down. Brandt, sit your woman down.”
Brandt looked at Tempest, catching her gaze.
“I’d like to stay a little longer,” she said, but didn’t seem overly committed to it.
“You sure?” Brandt asked, knowing she didn’t feel quite right anymore.
“Definitely,” she answered.
“Alright, we’ll stay for a little longer,” he said. He walked her over to the sofa to take a seat at the end.
Brandt sat down beside her, as everybody starting settling into the living room.
Avaleigh came in on Daniel’s arm, and sat in the chair right beside the sofa.
It was only a few minutes later before Angelle walked into the living room, looked around quickly and chose a seat on the love seat on the other side of her parents’ chairs.
“You can’t Brandt, because you’re driving, but Tempest would you like a hot cocoa with some Bailey’s in it?” Janie asked. “It’s my favorite thing in the winter time.”
“I’ve never had it. I’d love to try some,” Tempest said, relaxing into the sofa.
Tempest had met everyone and had the opportunity to speak with them all except for Avaleigh and the girl with her. She’d deduced that the girl must be Avaleigh’s daughter, and thereby Remi’s sister, but clearly not by blood since she was human.
“Hi, I’m Tempest,” she said, smiling at the girl who appeared to be about 19 or 20 years old.
“Hi,” the girl said, just barely glancing up shyly, definitely not making eye contact.
“And you’re Aunt Avaleigh I’ve heard so much about,” Tempest said.
“That’d be me. I’m who’s to blame for this whole bunch of them,” she said, laughing gaily.
Tempest liked her right away. “I’ve met Remi several times, and I have to say, he’s one of the most gentlemanly males I’ve ever met.”
“Thank you!” Avaleigh said. “I love hearing that. He’s a wonderful young man.”
“He really is. He told me about his sister, too. Is that you? Are you Angelle?” Tempest asked.
Angelle looked up at Tempest, surprised that Remi would talk about her. “Yes. What did he say?”
“He knew I was nervous around everyone and being in a bar for the first time when we all went out the other night. He said his sister was really shy so he completely understood.”
“You’re nervous being around people?” Angelle asked.
“Oh, yeah. Always. I’m not used to being around anyone but my family.”
“You didn’t look nervous when you got here,” Angelle said.
Tempest leaned closer and whispered conspiratorially. “I fake it well.”