Page 83 of Brandt's Rule
“No, I wouldn’t. Because I’m warm and I’m sheltered and I have a place to retreat to when I need to. That’s all that matters. So, you ready?”
“Brandt, where are you going to retreat to if I’m here all the time, too?”
Brandt shook his head and kissed her ear from behind, still keeping his hands over her eyes. “To you. You’re my home now. This is just where we live. If you don’t make it yours, I’m going to call my mom and all my aunts and cousins and tell them to do it. Then you won’t be able to undo it because you’ll hurt their feelings.”
Tempest smiled.
“You understand, I see. So, let’s try this. I’m going to move my hands, you’re going to tell me what you see in addition to your white lace curtains and bookshelves by the fireplace. Ready?”
“Go!” he said, taking his hands away from her eyes.
Tempest looked over at the fireplace and in her mind clearly saw black wrought iron bookcases that complemented the hardwood of the house. She tucked the doll under one arm and extended her other arm, gesturing toward the fireplace. Mists swirled from her fingertips and rushed toward the wall. When it cleared, the bookshelves she envisioned stood at the ready. Every other shelf was encased in glass with little handles you hold to open them and place cherished trinkets on the shelves. She gestured at the windows and in a second or two heavy white blinds that worked by simply raising or lowering them were in each and every window in the house. Most were extended down the length of the windows but opened so that they were easily seen through. Another flick of her hands and ivory colored, cotton, battenburg lace curtains made to custom fit each window were hung. The curtain rods were black wrought iron that perfectly complemented the honey colored wood.
She turned and looked at the dining area and changed out the table for a larger one with more chairs. She placed a small kitchen island that was actually a butcher block in the middle of the kitchen. Other than that, there wasn’t much to do with the kitchen. She turned back to the living room and changed the sofa for a soft overstuffed sofa the same shade as the ivory battenburg lace in the windows, but this was a soft, smooth brushed cotton that made you want to smooth your hand over it again and again. She placed two recliners and a love seat in the living room with the fireplace as the focal point to round it all out.
Brandt smiled to himself as he watched her decorate their home, loving that she was so caught up in it. In the far corner, farthest away from everything else, was a space that was unused, kind of wasted over there all by itself. She put an over sized chair with an ottoman there, creating the perfect reading spot, with a floor based hanging lamp over the chair, and smaller versions of the main bookshelves around the fireplace against the walls to complete her nook. Throw rugs appeared to center every area of the house, even a small one beneath her chair and ottoman in her reading nook. They were everywhere except the dining area, which she decided was fine as it was.
When she was done, she turned and looked hesitantly at Brandt, who stood watching her with a grin. “Is it too much?” she asked.
He leaned forward and kissed her. “It’s perfect. It says, my woman lives here, and I like that.” He grabbed one of her boxes and started for the bedroom. “But, don’t forget, you still have to do the bedrooms.”
“I already did,” she answered sheepishly.
“Damn! I like this!” he exclaimed from their bedroom.
Tempest hurried to see for herself what he thought.
He was standing in front of a huge armoire that opened to reveal a series of drawers with shelves above them. The whole bedroom that had been nothing more than a king-sized bed and a chest of drawers the night before, was now decorated in deep red wine colors on the bed and window coverings. And an armoire and dresser with large mirror to match the chest of drawers and headboard of the bed he’d originally had. A deep red wine throw rug was beneath the bed so that when you got out of bed your feet didn’t get chilled. “This is really nice, baby. I love it.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes! Now, tell me where you want your clothes.”
“I’ll get it,” she said, reaching for the box.
“No, I’ll get it. I’m helping my woman move into our home. Let me, please.”
“Okay. Wherever you think is fine.”
“Why don’t you go shower or take a bath while I put all your things away, then we’ll throw together something to eat.”
“You sure?”
“Stop asking me that. Yes, I’m sure. And you’re going to need a shower for what I have planned after dinner.”
“What do you have planned?” Tempest asked.
Brandt’s chest rumbled and he snapped his teeth in her direction. “You think last night and this morning was wild. We’re just getting started. All kinds of things I need to do to you.”
“Like what?” she giggled nervously, knowing he was referring to sex.
“Like I wanna taste my mate. Go on, get you a bath and prepare to be weak-legged for the next couple of days. ”
The scent of immediate arousal surrounded her, causing him to look up at her quickly, his eyes glazed with desire.
“Okay. I’m going!” she exclaimed, hurrying into their bathroom as she giggled again.