Page 91 of Brandt's Rule
Barron waited until the male came out of the woods, just to let him know they’d have stopped him either way had it come to that.
Kiernan exited the woods and slowed quickly when he saw Barron standing there with the rope to his skiff in his hands. “Alpha said to go get my family and meet him back here in thirty minutes,” he said.
Barron nodded slowly and held out the rope to Kiernan.
Kiernan moved closer and took the rope out of Barron’s hand. “I won’t need the whole thirty minutes. I’ll be right back.”
Chapter 19
Barron walked up on Brandt kneeling over the boar Kiernan and Shaun had been cleaning. “So, what’s going on?”
“Finishing cleaning this animal so it didn’t die in vain. At least his life will nourish others,” Brandt said.
Barron nodded and dropped to his knees beside Brandt to help. “So, we’re taking in some poachers?”
“Should have heard the desperation. There was no lie in him. He can’t get work. I believe they’re part of what was once Eustace’s brother’s fox skulk. They came back this way looking to take care of their family. Can’t get a job with no identification. He doesn’t even have a birth certificate.”
“How can he have no I.D.?”
“When our parents destroyed most of what was left of the skulk, some of them left, thinking they were next instead of realizing that they’d be given a chance to rectify the things their Alpha had done. They just disappeared into the night, took nothing. If they found a place to lay up and hide, maybe they lived like that until now. Maybe they were born at home. He said they lived off the land but their spot started growing up, no more animals to hunt. He said he and his family made a den. Him, his wife and their toddler, along with this idiot and his wife’s sister been living in a fucking den. Maybe his parents did that. Maybe they never reentered society wherever they’ve been.”
“You believe that?” Barron asked.
“I’m telling you, there was no lie in him.”
“I believe it,” Tempest said from a few feet away.
Both Brandt and Barron whipped their heads in her direction.
“I got home and you weren’t there, but I could feel something happening out here. I came to see what it was.”
“You been there long?” Brandt asked.
“Long enough. He’s not lying. And he’s scared. He just wants to take care of his mate and babies.”
Barron nodded. “If he works and earns his way, I guess we’re adding on a poacher’s family.”
“He won’t be poaching anymore. He’s really just doing the best he can. He’s not used to people helping him,” Tempest said.
“Let’s hope he appreciates it,” Brandt said. He looked up at Tempest. “Would you mind checking to see if this one is alright?”
“He is. It’s just easier if he stays asleep for a little while.”
“You keeping him out?” Barron asked.
One corner of Tempest’s mouth turned up. “He’ll be fine,” she said evasively.
“Where we going to put them?” Barron asked.
“House between Remi and Christian. Figure having a Dragon next door will keep them in line if it’s needed. Hopefully it won’t be needed.”
“You’re a very good male, Brandt. Very caring, and very fair,” Tempest said, watching him with pride in her eyes as he finished cleaning the boar.
Brandt looked up to meet her gaze and she smiled at him.
“I love you,” she said.
Brandt broke out into a wide grin. “Been waiting on that.”