Page 1 of Havoc's Fox
Chapter 1
“I don’t know how to thank you enough for watching out for Harley.”
“No thanks needed. I’m glad I was here to protect her when she needed it.”
“I’m grateful,” Havoc said.
“Like I’d let anything happen to anyone’s baby.”
“I know. It’s just, I appreciate it.” He smiled sadly at Analise. “You home for Christmas, then.”
Analise nodded slowly. “Was hoping to surprise my parents.”
“Me, too. First time home since… well, you know.”
“Yes, I do know. I haven’t been here for Christmas since I graduated either.”
“Analise?” Bailey asked hesitantly from right beside her.
Analise turned to Bailey surprised to realize they were still standing in the coffee shop, basically in public. She plastered on her go to smile. “Bailey…”
“Here’s another coffee — on the house.”
“Thank you! I was really enjoying my coffee before I had to waste it.”
“I can’t say I agree it was a waste,” Bailey said snickering.
“What do you want to do with her?” Havoc asked, jutting his chin toward Marie-Claire.
“I just want her out of here,” Bailey said. “I thought about calling the police, but if I do, then it opens a whole mess of worms. I don’t want to have to deal with that.”
“I’m sorry,” Analise said.
“No! I’m glad you were here.”
“Me, too. Would you mind keeping an eye on Harley for a second. I’ll get her out of here.”
Analise looked at Bailey, who was looking at her. “Oh! You mean me.”
Harley leaned toward Analise with her arms stretched out.
Analise looked at the child reaching toward her and just about immediately fell in love with her. “I got you, come here, sweetie.” Analise took the little girl in her arms and held her tightly as Havoc leaned over and hefted the still unconscious Marie-Claire over his shoulder.
“You don’t have to hold her. She’s six and completely capable of standing up and walking around all by herself,” Havoc said, making ‘get down’ eyes at his daughter.
Harley grinned at him. “But I like her.”
“Her name is Analise.”
“I heard you say that. It’s a pretty name. Like a fairy.”
“I don’t mind holding her,” Analise said.
“Alright, but if you get tired, put her down,” Havoc said. He shrugged the unconscious woman who was draped over his shoulder. “Where should I put her?” he asked. “It’s cold outside…”
“You know what? Just put her down over near the side of my building. I’ll call the police and tell them there was a woman passed out against my building when I closed up for the night.”
“You think she’ll stay out that long?” Analise asked.