Page 116 of Havoc's Fox
“No, not there. Here,” she said, pulling out a chair at the kitchen table.
Havoc walked back into the kitchen and sat down as she upended her purse and a pair of scissors and hair clippers with several different adjustable guards fell out.
Havoc’s eyebrows rose and he looked at her.
“Hear me out. The whole problem with the two of you is that you should have not met until now. You’d have gotten all your wild crap out alone and found each other afterward, not before and during. Can we agree on that?”
“Yes,” Havoc said.
“Alright, then. We’re going to make you look like a whole different male. I’m cutting your hair; we’re going to shape and trim that beard you’ve had going for the last few days. You will be looking seriously sharp. You’re going to dress your ass up, take her some flowers, not from my mother’s garden, and take her out. Knock on the door and introduce yourself like it’s your first date, a blind date at that. Tell her all about you. And you’re going to start over as the male you are today, not the male you used to be.”
“Does she know what you’re doing?” Havoc asked.
“Nope. It’ll be a surprise.”
“What if she slams the door in my face.”
“She won’t.”
“What makes you think that?”
“She didn’t call her boss to reschedule her flight. She doesn’t want to leave. She’s just trying to find a reason to stay.”
“I’m right here!” Havoc insisted.
“She thinks it’s too late and too much water under the bridge.”
Havoc thought about it, and Analise was probably right. Too much time, and too much bullshit passed between them. “Harley is sleeping. I just got her settled not too long ago after everything that happened today,” Havoc said.
“Look, I know you’re afraid. She’s afraid, too. That’s part of the problem. I’ve got Harley. You go and you give it all you’ve got, and if she doesn’t respond the way I think she will, I’ll owe you.”
“Owe me what?”
“I don’t know. Haven’t thought that far ahead. But I’m telling you, if you want Analise, you have to do something. This sitting here glaring at each other across the past isn’t doing either of you any favors.”
“She makes sense,” Brandt said.
“Yes, she does,” Barron agreed.
Emmalyn’s head snapped up and her eyes focused on Barron.
“You want to talk later?” he asked sheepishly.
“Maybe. At the moment I’m trying to help my sister find the part of her she lost.”
“What part would that be?” Havoc asked.
“You!” Emmalyn snapped. “Now, are you in or not?”
Havoc looked at the hair clippers, he looked around the room at his friends and family, he looked up at Emmalyn who stood in front of him waiting for his answer. “I’d do anything to have Analise in my life.”
“Lucky for you, you have me. Sit still and don’t move,” she said, flipping on the clippers.
“Do you know what you’re doing?” Havoc asked.
“I got this. I watched a video online,” she quipped as she pressed the clippers to the back of his head and took off six inches of hair in the first swipe.
“Emmalyn!” Havoc exclaimed.