Page 6 of Havoc's Fox
“About as you’d expect. But respectful, on both our parts.”
“I think he should have stayed the hell away,” Emmalyn snapped under her breath.
Analise shook her head. “No, it’s okay. I’ve always said it’s his home, too. It’s okay. It’s all good. We can do this. We share the same family and friends and there’s no reason one of us has to be ejected. We’re not kids anymore, and all that happened between us is old news. I’m for just moving on and letting go.”
“So, this anxiousness I’m picking up from you, that’s letting go?” Emmalyn asked as her eyes searched for and pinned Barron with a stare as he laughed and joked with Havoc.
“Yep. Just like the anxiousness I’m picking up from you,” Analise said as she followed her sister’s gaze to where it was focused on Barron.
“Hey! That’s totally different. He’s avoiding me. Won’t even talk to me. What’s up with that?” Emmalyn demanded quietly so no one else would hear.
“Same thing he asked me when you first started avoiding him back in high school,” Analise said, turning her attention to Remi when he approached them.
“Hey, Analise. It’s good to see you,” Remi said.
Analise hugged Remi. “It’s good to see you, too. Can’t believe you’ve grown even taller.”
“Maybe, or maybe you just shrank a little,” he teased.
“You look great, Remi,” Analise said.
“Thank you. You look tired,” Remi answered.
Analise laughed. “I am exhausted,” she admitted.
“Where you coming from?” he asked.
“Malta. I was on a dig there and finished up just in time to leave it to the rest of the team in enough time for me to make it to the airport and get here for tonight.”
“My jet-setting cousin,” he said, giving her a side-hug, trying to hold her close while not quite holding her at all.
Analise noticed, and it piqued her curiosity, but she didn’t mention it.
“Not quite. Your digging in the dirt for old pieces of pottery and statues cousin, maybe. Jet-setting, naw,” she said.
“Yeah, but we both know those little trinkets and pieces of history are your treasures. Lots of other people think the same thing, too.”
“True, working the dream. My dream anyway,” she said.
“Daddy! There’s that nice lady that saved me!” Harley exclaimed.
Analise looked over and found Harley still perched on Havoc’s hip, but waving furiously at her. She smiled at the child and blew her a kiss.
“Saved her? What happened?” Maverik asked, looking back and forth between Havoc and Analise.
“Marie-Claire was threatening Harley. I’d left her sleeping in the cab of the truck when I ran in the store real quick. Harley made a break for the coffee shop thinking I was in there and Analise stepped in.”
“She’s got a princess name.”
Analise smiled. “So do you! Harley! What a strong, proud name! I like your name!” Analise said.
Harley grinned and started shimmying so Havoc would put her down. The minute her feet hit the floor she ran over to Analise and grinned up at her. “My Daddy picked it because he wanted me to be really strong, and independing.”
“Independent?” Analise asked.
“Yes! That’s what I said. But my Aunt Maia says that there’s not a name strong enough for what I am,” Harley said.
“I think I know one. Alpha,” Maverik said, laughing and sweeping the little girl off her feet from behind.