Page 62 of Havoc's Fox
“I’m sorry, Havoc. I didn’t know.”
“How could you not?” he demanded.
“Because everything I’ve ever indicated, said or done said that friends was all I could ever give you, if even that,” Analise said.
“And then you came to me last night. You said, and I quote, ‘I don’t want to talk. I need to feel you, taste you, know what it’s like to be your focus, to have all of this power, this strength, focused on me. I want to be surrounded by you, dominated by you, loved by you. I don’t want to wonder what it’s like anymore. Don’t talk to me. Show me.’ So, I did!”
“Ewww, you said that?” Emmalyn asked, her nose turning up like she smelled something rotten.
“Shut up, Emmalyn!” they both yelled before facing each other again.
“I’m sorry,” Analise said.
“Sorry?” Havoc asked angrily.
“I wanted to know what everyone else did. You were mine and I had no idea what it was like to be held by you, to make love to you, to feel your body against mine, to be with you like that. Everybody else we went to high school with knew, but I didn’t. And I was tired of wondering about it, so I decided to find out for myself.”
Havoc shook his head and looked away for a few seconds before tossing the boots he still held at her feet. He turned and walked away.
“Hold on, Havoc. Why are you so angry? We had a nice night!” Analise called after him, following him down the hallway.
“Nice night?” he asked, as he spun to face her.
“Yes. We let go of all the animosity and kind of made peace,” Analise said.
“Made peace? We made love!” he shouted.
“It was just a night, Havoc,” she said defensively.
“It was not just a night, Analise! And as far you just saying I was yours… I am yours! Always have been!”
“We moved beyond that a long, long time ago, Havoc.”
“No, we didn’t. I didn’t. If anything, I’m holding on tighter than I ever have.”
“I’m sorry, I just can’t go there.”
“Well maybe you should have thought of that before you came to me to be claimed!” he turned his back on her and walked away again.
“Claimed?” she asked, casting a quick worried glance at Emmalyn as she ran out on the porch to shout the same thing at Havoc as he made his getaway. “Claimed?!” she shouted.
“Yes! Claimed. In every sense of the word!” he shouted back.
“But you didn’t bite me! There was no biting!” she screamed at him as he climbed in his truck and slammed the door. “There was no biting!” she repeated.
Havoc backed out, but instead of driving away, he brought his truck to a stop just opposite where she stood on the front porch, still trying to talk to him. He rolled down his window and leaned over so she could see him clearly. “Maybe you should double check your ankle. What? Did you not feel it when I bit you there?” he asked sarcastically.
Analise immediately bent over to examine her ankles. She found the small bite and stood with a shocked expression on her face.
“Yes, that’s right. You’re mated, and claimed. No way out of it, and just to be clear, if you run, Analise, I’ll chase you all the way back to your fancy job and fancy boyfriend and I’ll make sure neither are willing to have you again. You think I’m an asshole, have decided that I’m a liar and not worthy of you? Fine. I’ll prove you right. Bet you had no idea how much of an asshole I really could be. You’re learning now, aren’t you? Make no mistake, you are mine, and you will not leave me. You better wrap your mind around it and find a way to deal with it.”
He slammed his finger against the button to roll up the window and slammed his foot on the accelerator, speeding away spraying dirt and gravel in his wake.
Analise stood speechless, watching him drive away.
She felt something touch her ankle and looked down, kicking her sister away as she examined Analise’s claiming mark.
“Stop kicking!” Emmalyn said, moving out of the way.