Page 70 of Havoc's Fox
“Yeah, I will.”
“Glad to hear it. Let me know when.”
“I will. Third building, right?” Havoc asked, walking in the direction Ronan had pointed him.
Havoc walked in that general direction, raising a hand in a wave each time a high-pitched whistle caught his attention and welcomed him to the site.
By the time he made it around back of building three, Brandt was waiting on him. “Wondered who everybody was greeting,” Brandt said.
“Me. I am a celebrity,” Havoc teased.
Brandt laughed as they shook hands. “You doing alright?”
“Oh, yeah. Just came to talk to you about a couple things.”
“And they would be?”
“The house, the lodge, the one you let me stay in?”
“Nice, huh?”
“Man, it really is. I couldn’t have designed something myself I’d have liked better.”
“Doesn’t surprise me. Hellen helped with that one. It’s actually built a lot like hers.”
“I noticed that. Hers has the same feel to it.”
“Yep, but it’s a little different in that hers has lighter wood, and little less of it. Daisy was designing the extra homes for when people come home and might need a place to stay instead of with their families, you know? Hellen got hers just the way she wanted and Daisy had started to design the lodge. Hellen offered to help and I really think Hellen did this one with you in mind.”
“She was thinking maybe I’d come home.”
“I think so.”
“Funny, that’s kinda what I wanted to talk about.”
“Oh, yeah. You coming back to us?” Brandt asked.
“Maybe,” Havoc said, pressing his lips into a straight line as he considered it. “I’d like to. But I don’t want to make Analise uneasy.”
“She doesn’t live here,” Brandt said.
“I know, but I don’t want to stop her from coming to visit.”
Brandt nodded and appeared to hem and haw a little bit before looking Havoc in the eye. “Thinking since she spent the night with you last night that might not be a problem.”
Havoc raised an eyebrow at him. “Anything you don’t know?”
“Possibly, but that’s something we’d all be aware of. We’ve been hoping things would at the very least settle, at the most work themselves out.”
“Yeah, me, too. But I’m not sure what’s going to happen.”
“You claim her?”
“She happy about it?”