Page 81 of Vicious Devotion
There’s a fondness in her voice when she talks about Cecelia and Danny that makes my chest tighten. They’re going to be broken-hearted that she’s leaving, too. But I know what Bella would say if I raised that concern—that it’s better than continuing to lie in front of them. To pretend that our marriage is something it’s not.
But what if it really is?
“I’ll be home the day after tomorrow.” I let out a heavy breath. “We’ll fly out to New York the morning after that. So there are two days left for any packing and getting ready. No need to rush.”
“Aldo took them out to ride on the ponies this afternoon. We’re trying to keep the routine pretty much the same. Agnes discussed a picnic tomorrow. We’re handling it all just fine, I promise.”
“I never doubted you would.” That ache takes up residence in my chest again. “It’s strange being away. I haven’t gone on a business trip alone in a long time.”
“You don’t enjoy the peace and quiet?” Bella laughs softly, and my heart squeezes.
“Not as much as you might think.”
There’s silence after that, long enough that for a moment, I think I might have lost the connection. She lets out a sigh, and I sit up, pinching the bridge of my nose.
“I should let you get to bed. I’ll call you tomorrow.”
“Okay.” Bella pauses again. “Good night, Gabriel.”
It takes a long time for me to fall asleep. When I do, all my dreams are about her. I wake hard and aching, rolling over to reach for her, only to find that she’s not there.
I feel heavy, weighted down as I get ready for the meeting. I’m meant to meet the buyer at a café across town, and I slip into a tailored suit, all the necessary files and paperwork tucked away in an envelope. I opt to walk, wanting the fresh air to clear my head, so that I can finish this without hesitation or mistakes.
The decision is made, it’s too late to go back now.
It’s a beautiful, sunny day, and the city is busy. I feel a small pang of nostalgia for New York, but not as much as I would have thought. In fact, I find myself missing the peace and quiet of the estate more.
It’s just because it’s what you’re giving up, I tell myself as I pause at a crosswalk. Once you’re home, you’ll be glad you stuck to the plan.
“Gabriel. Fancy seeing you here, da?”
A familiar voice behind me breaks me out of my thoughts, a cold chill running down my spine. I know who it is before I even turn, before I even see the iron-grey hair, the cold smile of satisfaction on his face, before I have a chance to register what this must mean.
I turn and see Igor standing behind me, coldly sophisticated in a grey suit. That cold smile spreads as he sees the recognition on my face.
“What are you doing here?” I’m amazed at how calmly the words come out, considering the racing of my pulse. “You have no business in Rome.”
“Don’t I?” Igor smiles. “I brought you here, after all. You were so ready to move on from your past. So quick to try to make a future with someone who isn’t yours. You wanted to believe in that truce so badly.”
“I know you met with Salvatore.” My mind races, trying to parse out the truth from the lies. “My man, Gio?—”
“Of course I did. That meeting went ahead. I couldn’t deny the don his voice, after all.”
“So there’s peace. A truce.” I cling to that one thing, knowing that it won’t make a difference. That it never did.
Bella and I were both right about that. But I never could have foreseen this trap.
Igor’s smile remains, cold and victorious. “That’s exactly what I wanted you to think, Gabriel. And now, I will have what I want.”
He doesn’t flinch as he steps past me, towards the crosswalk I was about to step into. He looks back just once, as a black car pulls up to the curb.
“What should have always been mine.”
When I wake up, groggy from the sleeping pills and puffy-eyed from crying the night before, I try not to think about the sale Gabriel will be making today. About the fact that, after today, all hope of us staying will be gone.