Page 51 of Hatter
The sound of laughter filled the dimly lit clubhouse as I leaned against the worn wooden bar, watching my new family. The Underland MC, these rough and tough bikers, showed a side to them that was warm and relaxed. They bantered, teased, and joked with one another, a sense of camaraderie I never thought I’d be a part of.
“Hey, Jo,” Tweedle called out, raising his beer in a mock salute. “You need another drink?”
I shook my head, cradling my cup protectively. No one had realized I was only drinking club soda.
“Nah, I’m good.” My voice came out quiet, but there was a hint of confidence I hadn’t felt in years. I couldn’t help but smile, feeling a warmth in my chest that had been absent for so long.
As I observed the men who had become my brothers, my thoughts wandered back to the woman I used to be -- broken, terrified, alone. Now, surrounded by these people who had taken me in without question, I felt safe. It was like I’d finally found a home after being lost for so damn long.
“Jo, you’re looking kind of spaced out there,” Rabbit said, grinning as he sidled up next to me. “Everything okay?”
I wasn’t the only one who had changed. In the past few weeks, I’d noticed Rabbit had calmed quite a bit. He no longer twitched and paced. I smiled softly at him, appreciating the concern in his eyes. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking about how far I’ve come and how grateful I am for all of you.”
“Ah, don’t get all mushy on us,” he teased, giving me a playful nudge. Despite his words, there was warmth in his smile that told me he understood.
“Can’t help it,” I replied with a shrug. “You guys saved me, and I’ll never forget that.”
“Hey, you’re one of us now,” Tweedle chimed in from across the room. “No need for thanks. We got your back, Jo.”
“Thanks, Tweedle,” I whispered, genuinely touched. My eyes scanned the room, taking in each man’s face, and finally landing on Hatter, who gave me a knowing smile.
For the first time in what felt like an eternity, I belonged. I was part of something bigger, something that wouldn’t let me fall. And as I stood there, surrounded by laughter and love, I knew I’d found where I was always meant to be.
I finished my drink and set down my cup, then I felt Hatter’s hand on my shoulder. I knew it was him from his scent. Turning to him, I gave him a smile. He gestured toward the new couch in the corner of the room, inviting me to sit with him.
“Let’s talk,” he said quietly, his voice deep and soothing.
I nodded and followed him, settling down onto the soft cushions while the rest of the Underland MC continued their banter around us.
Hatter looked deep into my eyes. “We’ve been through hell and back together, and you’ve become a part of me I never knew I needed.”
I swallowed hard, feeling my heart race at his words. “Hatter, I… I want a future with you. A real one, with all the good and bad that comes with it. I want to build something solid, something we can call our own.”
“Like… a family?” he asked gently, his eyes searching mine for confirmation.
It shocked me to my core that he’d been the first to bring it up. I hesitated, fear and hope warring within me. “Yeah, like a family. I know it’s a lot to ask, given everything we’ve been through, but… I think we could make it work. We’ve both fought so damn hard to get here, and I don’t want to give up now.”
“I want that too,” Hatter replied, reaching out to cradle my face in his hands. “I love you, and I want to be the man you deserve.”
Tears welled in my eyes as I looked at him, seeing the sincerity etched on his scarred face. I knew he meant it, just as much as I did. This was what we’d both been searching for, even if we hadn’t realized it until now.
“Promise me we’ll make it happen,” I whispered, my voice shaking with emotion. “Promise me this isn’t just a dream. I know it could take time, but…”
“I promise,” Hatter vowed, his voice firm and steady. “We’ll build our future together. Whatever it takes and have as many kids as you want.”
I looked around the clubhouse and wondered how that would work exactly. He seemed to read my mind.
“The club has roughly fifty acres surrounding this clubhouse. The day you tell me you’re pregnant, I’ll find someone to build us a house, or buy one of those prefab ones for now.”
“You’re so good to me, Hatter.”
As we sat there on the couch, the noise and laughter of the Underland MC fading into the background, I leaned my head against his shoulder. A home. He was going to give us a home of our very own, something I hadn’t had in what felt like forever.
He cocked his head and studied me, then his eyes went wide.