Page 9 of Cheshire
“Got it, Cheshire,” Rabbit muttered, his brow furrowed as he processed the information. I knew he wouldn’t let me down. His meticulous nature would ensure every stone was turned and every detail scrutinized. It actually made him ideal for several jobs.
“And, Carpenter,” I continued, turning my attention to the towering figure next to Rabbit. “It’s time to put some pressure on the sheriff’s associates. Make them talk, figure out what they know about his connections and operations. Just don’t tip our hand. If they seem like the type who’d be on his side, then make it seem like we want in on the action. Even if the idea of it sickens me.”
“Understood,” Carpenter grunted, his scowl deepening as he clenched his fists. I could see the hunger for action burning in his eyes.
“Good,” I said, nodding my approval. “We’ve got to be smart about this. The stakes are too damn high.” My mind raced with thoughts of just how deep this corruption went, and the danger it posed to not only our club but the entire city. Every one of us was caught in a web of deceit, and it was up to us to unravel it before it strangled us all. “Let’s get to work!”
As Rabbit and Carpenter nodded in agreement, I knew that together, we would bring down the corrupt empire that had poisoned our streets and endangered the lives of those closest to us. And when the dust settled, the Underland MC would rise above it all, stronger than ever.
I had one potential ace up my sleeve, and tonight I’d find out if he was on board. I needed eyes on the inside and couldn’t think of anyone better.
* * *
The night swallowed the city whole, its darkness wrapping around every street and alley. I stood in the shadows, my back pressed against the cold brick wall of a crumbling warehouse. Pulling out my phone, I punched in Park’s number.
“Cheshire?” Park’s voice crackled through the line, wary but curious.
“Park, we need to talk,” I said, cutting straight to the chase. “I’ve got some dirt on Sheriff Holmes that’ll make your fucking head spin.”
“Jesus, Cheshire, what did you get yourself into this time?” He sighed, his concern for me apparent even through the static.
“Meet me at the old rail yard in an hour.” I hung up before he could respond, knowing that deep down, Park was as eager for justice as I was. He just needed a little push. Well, that and I needed to fully remove the blinders he had on when it came to his boss.
With the meeting set, I shot a quick text to Rabbit and Carpenter, letting them know to start the surveillance on Sheriff Holmes’ known associates. We had to move fast if we wanted to catch these bastards red-handed.
As I slipped through the darkened streets, I couldn’t help but think about all the lives ruined by Sheriff Holmes, and something told me we hadn’t even dug through half the crap he’d done. My gut churned with anger, fueling my resolve to bring the corrupt bastard down.
Rabbit and Carpenter were already in position when I arrived at our stakeout spot, their eyes glued to the binoculars as they observed the comings and goings at one of the sheriff’s favorite watering holes. I hunkered down beside them, my own gaze narrowing as I watched the seedy characters entering and leaving the bar.
“Anything juicy yet?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.
“Caught a couple of his known cronies chatting up some girls earlier,” Carpenter replied, his voice tight with disgust. “Might be worth keeping an eye on them. Can’t be sure, but they looked a bit on the young side.”
“Good.” I nodded, my jaw clenched in determination. “We’ll follow them. See if they lead us to something we can use against the sheriff. Even if they don’t, we’ll gather any dirt we can on them as well. I want all of them to pay, and I want them gone.”
As we trailed the suspects, I couldn’t shake the feeling that our actions were setting off a chain reaction -- one that would ultimately lead to a reckoning for Sheriff Holmes and his corrupt empire. And when it all came crashing down, me and my brothers would be standing tall amidst the rubble, ready to rebuild from the ashes.
When it didn’t look like they were going to give us much, I broke off from Rabbit and Carpenter. I glanced at my phone and saw a message from Park. Can’t meet until later. Which meant I’d have to wait until he texted again.
There was another place I needed to check. If those men were after young girls, and we’d found decent evidence that the sheriff was into trafficking, then I needed to find out more on my own. And there was one place anyone in need could go…
The shelter’s walls were cracked and worn, like the souls of those who sought refuge within them. As I stepped inside, the scent of despair hung heavy in the air, making my chest tighten with a mix of rage and sorrow.
“Cheshire?” A voice pulled me from my thoughts, and I turned to see Sister Mary, her eyes filled with a somber kindness that spoke volumes. She ran the shelter, offering solace and protection to those who had been chewed up and spit out by life.
“Need some info, Sister,” I said, my tone serious. “Any victims come through here recently? Ones that might’ve crossed paths with Sheriff Holmes?”
She hesitated, then nodded slowly. “There’ve been a few. I’ll introduce you, but please be gentle with them. They’ve been through hell.”
“Understood.” My resolve strengthened as we made our way through the cramped, dimly lit halls to a small room where several women huddled together, their eyes haunted by memories they couldn’t escape.
“Girls, this is Cheshire,” Sister Mary said. “He wants to ask you some questions about your experiences. He’s trying to help put an end to all this.”
I crouched down, keeping my voice low and steady. “I promise I won’t hurt you or make you relive anything too painful. Just need to know if any of y’all have seen this man before.” I held up a photo of Sheriff Holmes, his cold eyes staring back at me.
A few of the women shook their heads, but one girl, barely more than skin and bones, hesitantly raised her hand. “I… I know him,” she whispered, her voice trembling.
“Can you tell me anything about what he did? Anything that might help me nail that sick bastard?” I asked, hoping for a breakthrough.