Page 10 of Rivals Next Door
Candy’s laughter circulated the tiny booth. “So, when are you going to see her again?”
“Let’s not talk anymore about my ex,” I suggested. “What’s your real name, Candy? I’ve known you for what… eight months? I think I’ve earned the right to know. Do you ever think about leaving this place? I can help…” My rapid-fire chatter stopped when she threw her head back and cackled.
“Oh, Alex, you poor thing. This woman has really done a number on you, huh?”
I frowned.
“You’re trying to use me as a distraction,” she noted. “Not that I mind. You’re very generous.” She glanced at the stack of cash on the table. “But I don’t need rescuing. I’m here because I want to be.”
I shrugged and nodded. I could respect that.
“I’m not usually interested in more than dancing for the customers, but…” She did a slow sweep of me. “I’ll make an exception for you. If you’re interested…”
I stared at Candy for a while. “I don’t buy women, Candy. They all fall into my bed because they want to.”
A little smirk lifted her lips. “I’m sure they do, hot stuff. Who said anything about you paying?”
I sat taller on the leather couch and assessed her the way she had me. There was probably desperation in the way I studied her… A desperation to feel something for another woman so I could forget Olivia Brentwood.
“I made a rule to not cross the line with the employees here but, I’ve been known to break plenty of rules.”
She grinned at me, and I returned it.
An hour later, I sat naked with my feet on the lush hotel carpet. My elbows were on my knees and the heels of my hands were pressed into my eyes.
That did not just happen…
“It’s okay, Alex,” Candy’s soft voice resonated with pity.
“No, it’s not fucking okay,” I growled.
“Hey, plenty of men suffer from that condition.”
“I don’t have a condition,” I said as I rounded on her with wide eyes.
Her skeptical expression made me shake my head. This had to be the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to me.
I got Candy to the hotel across the street from the club. Things were going fine until I had her in bed. Then when I looked down at her, I couldn’t get it up because… I kept thinking about her. Fucking Olivia Brentwood!
Candy shuffled off the bed, grabbing her dress and underwear that were strewn on the floor. As she got dressed, she said, “Really, don’t worry about it. I understand.”
The sympathy in her tone worsened my humiliation. She was convinced that I had erectile dysfunction, and I wanted to die. Not to toot my own horn, but I never had a problem getting it up, and I had the stamina of a stallion… according to the redhead I had in my bed last week.
I blew out a breath. “Can I walk you back to the club or take you home…?”
“You’re sweet.” She smiled as she grabbed her purse. “But I’m fine.”
I ignored the way she spoke to me as if I were some poor eighty-year-old who tried his hardest to get it up but failed. God. Stifling a groan, I got up and quickly put my pants on. I plucked my wallet out of the back pocket and gathered all the cash I had left in there. I didn’t even count it, but I did glimpse the fifties and a few hundreds.
Candy held her palms up. “We talked about this. This isn’t that…”
“I know, but take it.” I put the cash into her hand. “It’s for wasting your time.” She probably could have made it in tips or whatever had I not brought her back here.
She sighed and then stuffed the money into her purse. I walked her to the door, and I saw her watching me from my periphery. “Alex, you’re a really nice guy.”
“Mhmm.” I opened the door. My jaw was clenched tightly the entire time.
“It’s okay if sometimes you can’t… you know…”