Page 25 of Rivals Next Door
He stopped and turned around with stiff shoulders as if preparing for a fight.
“I know you’re doing this out of spite,” I said vehemently as I pointed an accusing finger.
“You don’t know shit,” he growled.
I was taken aback by his vehemence but then my eyes narrowed to slits. His reaction confirmed my suspicion. As if realizing he lost his temper, his jaw clenched and relaxed. In an instant, his expression went back to being unreadable.
“I think I do,” I challenged. “Ever since we reunited?—”
He snorted derisively.
“It’s like you’ve been out for blood,” I continued. “I get why you’d want to come after me, but I don’t understand why you’re relentlessly trying to destroy my entire family.” My pride took a step aside as I looked him in the eye. “Look, we’re barely hanging by a financial thread. I can’t lose my company…” My cheeks got dangerously hot after admitting that to him. I hated looking weak.
“I don’t give a shit about your family, Olivia,” he replied softly. “I want what I want, and I’m going to get it.”
“You cared about some members of my family once.” My dad hated him and the idea of us together, but my mother thought he hung the moon and my brother idolized him.
If I hadn’t been watching him so closely, I would have missed the tiny crack in his stony expression. I saw the way his eyes softened. Hope flared in my chest at the thought that we could talk and work something out.
To my dismay, he said, “That was another lifetime ago.”
“It’s only been nine years…”
“Enough time for me to stop giving a shit about selfish people.”
My molars snapped together. That was a dig at me, but it was so far from the truth. Frustration practically boiled my blood. “Alright, fine.” I threw my arms up in defeat. “I hurt you, Alex, and I never apologized. Is that what you want?”
His eyes narrowed on me. “The only thing I want is BioTech.”
“Only because I broke your heart in college. I’m sorry, okay? Now, can we be mature thirty-year-olds and move on? It’s time you stop being petty over a little college breakup.”
The instant the words left my mouth, I regretted them. I didn’t mean to downplay what we had. It wasn’t little. It was real and intense… so much more than the frivolous fling I just made it out to be.
The fury in Alex’s eyes ignited to a blaze as he stepped closer. “Yes, you did hurt me.”
Remorse struck me in the chest. I didn’t think he’d admit it.
“But you give yourself too much credit… typical Brentwood.”
The guilt coursing through me stopped, and I glared at him. It was irritating how he kept putting down my family.
“I got over you fast, Olivia,” he said. “I didn’t even think about you because you just weren’t that fucking memorable, so I’m not being petty. This is business.”
His words were like a slap in the face. I wasn’t that memorable? Well, fuck. That stung like a thousand venomous bee stings. I stared at him, trying to gauge if he really meant that. There was no sign of the old Alex, my Alex, in his cold stare, so maybe he did mean every word…
My throat convulsed as I swallowed my hurt. “Well then, may the best man or woman win…” I spun on my heels and walked away. My steps were brisk, resonating with the emotional blow I just got.
I suppose I deserved that, considering I tried to hurt him first with my stupid comment about our little college breakup. As I sat in my car and stared ahead, Alex’s words echoed in my mind. He didn’t even think about me after we broke up. That sucked because I thought about him every day.
“Do you think I’m memorable?”
Elena paused, holding the shoe she was about to slide onto her feet to look at me. “What?”
I leaned against the wall, holding a pair of heels that suddenly seemed trivial. “Memorable,” I repeated. “Do you think people remember me after they’ve met me? Do I leave my mark or a lasting impression?” I twirled one of the shoes as I stared at it. “Or do you think I’m so dull that I blend into the background… easily forgettable?”