Page 4 of Rivals Next Door
Sweet baby Jesus. I’d never felt anything like it.
“Olivia,” she said.
“Olivia,” I repeated, wanting to try her name on my tongue. “Princess Olivia.”
I didn’t realize I muttered that last part out loud until she laughed and said, “Excuse me?”
“I mean… er… I haven’t seen you around campus before.”
She pulled her hand from mine, and I almost sighed in disappointment at the loss of contact. “That’s because I just started.”
“Ah, you’re a freshman.” I glanced at the group waiting for her. She already seemed so popular…
“And you are…?”
“A sophomore.” Although I was likely the same age as her since I started freshman year at seventeen.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Alex. My friends are waiting.”
I smiled because she used the shortened version of my name. I guess we were on our way to becoming friends…
“Hey, Olivia. Can I see you again? I mean… you know…” I wanted to shoot myself in the foot for plunging into such uncoolness. Olivia must have thought I was a loser.
She tilted her head as she studied me with an unreadable expression. “I can’t…”
My heart plummeted as I assumed it was because she was looking down on me like her crew.
“I’m seeing someone,” she said.
It sucked that she wasn’t available, but I was relieved that she didn’t think she was out of my league or something.
“Of course you are,” I said, giving her a once-over. Her head barely reached my shoulders, but her curves were to die for and she carried herself with confidence like that of someone much older than eighteen.
Olivia blinked and then her cheeks flushed. I bit back a smile as her lashes lowered to hide her eyes. Her cool demeanor was just an act… interesting.
Before I could hit her with my full charm, a guy wearing the exact preppy outfit I always made fun of sauntered over. “Olivia, what are you doing?” The blond was about my height with light brown eyes. He practically snarled at me. I guess that was the boyfriend…
Olivia’s entire demeanor changed. She’d melted when I subtly complimented her and now she was back in ice princess mode.
“I’m talking to Alex,” she said with a note of annoyance. “He saved me from a football.” When she glanced back at me, the tiniest smile played on her lips and her eyes had softened once again.
I knew I wasn’t imagining it. Olivia was definitely into me. However, there was one problem… The Ken doll flung his arm around her shoulders possessively, and I almost rolled my eyes.
“Gee, what a hero,” he drawled mockingly. He and I had a silent pissing contest as we stared at each other. I could tell he was a massive douche. Even his girlfriend seemed irritated with him.
Olivia pursed her lips and nudged him. “Let’s go, Bryce.”
I almost let out a snort. Bryce? Even his name was douchy. I instantly hated Bryce… because he had what I wanted. Before the duo walked away, Bryce gave me a smug look and my eyes narrowed on him. As they put distance between us, I stood there watching Olivia with disappointment. However, she looked over her shoulder and our eyes locked. My heart stuttered as she pretty much confirmed her interest in me.
A hand clapping down on my shoulder pulled me out of my trance. “Dude, put your eyes and tongue back into your head,” Lincoln said with a laugh.
I shrugged his hand off and grinned. “Shut up. Did you see her, man? She’s perfect.”
“Do you know who that is?” Lincoln asked.
I glanced in the direction Olivia had disappeared in. “The prettiest girl at Harvard?”
Lincoln chuckled. “That’s Olivia Brentwood. Her daddy pretty much runs this side of the country, and the guy hanging all over her is Bryce Mercer. His daddy runs Massachusetts. They’re probably set to get married to join their empires.”