Page 50 of Rivals Next Door
“How did you make that happen?”
After a moment’s hesitation, he nonchalantly revealed, “The captain owed me a favor.”
My eyebrows shot up, and I watched him expectantly, hoping he’d continue. I was curious to know why the police captain was indebted to him.
However, he didn’t satisfy my curiosity. Instead, he said, “I want you to be careful for the next few days. Avoid getting into any shady SUVs driven by gangsters.”
I rolled my eyes. “Hilarious.”
The tiniest smirk lifted a corner of his lips but then it vanished. “Seriously, stay vigilant. Give me a few days and you won’t have to worry about those guys.”
“What exactly are you going to do?”
“What I do best.”
“Hack?” Well, he was also a gifted lover, but let’s not go there…
Alex snorted his amusement. “Among other things,” he said cryptically. “I’ll be working a few angles. Dealing with gangsters requires a certain type of finesse, which is why I need a few days.”
Why did it sound like he dealt with gangsters often? My eyes narrowed to suspicious slits. Were the rumors about the White Knight true? Did Alex get that moniker for something more than his known job as a cybersecurity software developer?
“Why are you called the White Knight?” I blurted.
He put his glass down and turned to me. “Silly question. If you don’t know, Google KnightGuard.”
His patronizing tone made me glare. “I suspect that journalist was on to something.”
“That journalist was a whack job and conspiracy theorist.”
“So you don’t secretly help the government?”
“For fuck’s sake, Liv. I’m helping you with a problem that the police can’t even help you with, and you’re badgering me about some crazy gossip that hit the media a couple of years ago?”
I peered at him, hoping to see a give in his expression to confirm my suspicion… and Elena’s, but I saw nothing. Mentally snapping my fingers in disappointment, I dropped it. It would have been nice to find out if that rumor was true. Admittedly, I missed being in Alex’s inner sanctum where I was privy to his cyberspace mischief. I’d always found him so intriguing and frighteningly smart.
“As I was saying…” he huffed out as he gave me an annoyed look. “It won’t be long before I get your and Liam’s situation sorted out permanently.”
“But, Alex, I don’t want you to get into?—”
I gasped as his finger landed on my lip. “Just shut up and trust me.”
With my lips still parted, I stared at him with wide eyes. Trust him? He was my enemy now for goodness' sake and a formidable one. I should be afraid of him, not trust him, but I glimpsed a sliver of my Alex in him tonight, so crazily enough I did trust him… with this situation.
I swallowed and nodded because his slight touch was familiar and disarming. It sent heat curling in my core. Seriously, his one finger made me hot and bothered. It was ridiculous. I wanted him to touch me some more…
As if he just realized that he touched me, he snatched his finger away as if it burned. His throat bobbed as he stood up abruptly. “I’m going to get going.”
“Of course.” I stood up too and followed him as he briskly walked through my apartment. “I guess you have to get back to your girlfriend…”
He spun around with a frown. “I don’t have a girlfriend. I haven’t had one of those since…”
Me? If that was what he wanted to say, I got sick satisfaction from it. We’d made it to the foyer where the elevator was. As we stared at each other—he glared, really—I felt a pinch of regret that he was leaving. It had been nice having someone in my bleak apartment to talk to even if the conversation hadn’t been intimate.
Plus, I dreaded being alone. What if that scary guy called? What if I panicked and messed up by letting it slip that someone was about to take them down? I’d ruin whatever Alex was going to do. Maybe I should call Elena as a distraction from my mounting anxiety…
I couldn’t do that since it was one in the morning. My shoulders dropped. It would just be me and my thoughts then. Not good…