Page 98 of Rivals Next Door
I let out a little sound of amusement. Yeah, I knew how much he loved me back then, and I felt like the luckiest girl in the world.
“I bought a ring, and I was waiting for the right moment.” He gazed into the distance as if he were reliving every moment leading up to when I ruined things between us. “My friends thought I was insane for wanting to propose because we were so young. Of course, I knew we were just kids, but I wanted to propose to you and slide that ring on your finger to show you that even though I was graduating, nothing would change between us. We’d get married after you graduated, and we’d wait a little to start a family because we’d both be working to build our careers.”
He sighed. “I wanted it all with you, Liv. I thought we were going to live happily ever after. I know now why you did what you did, but I was fucking shattered back then. I was for years...”
I got up and walked over to him, wishing that I could wrap my arms around him, but I wasn’t sure if I’d be welcomed. I kept my hands at my sides as I implored, “I’m sorry. I feel like saying that isn’t even enough. I hate that I hurt the one person who was always in my corner and who loved me unconditionally. I thought I was doing the right thing by driving you away. I’ve regretted it every day, but a small part of me still thinks I did right by you, Alex. Look at you… You made it, and I’m so happy that my father never got the chance to hurt you in any way.”
Alex’s jaw clenched and unclenched and his eyes showed such raw vulnerability that I took yet another step closer to him.
He swallowed hard and nodded. “I forgave you, Liv, before I knew the whole story. I thought about giving us another chance.”
My breath hitched in my throat. “Really? But you never?—”
He grunted. “Yeah, I know I didn’t say anything. I was afraid to… afraid of getting hurt again. I shouldn’t have let you walk out of my apartment that night letting you think I hated you. I never have, I suppose. I just convinced myself that I did. I’ve never stopped loving you, Princess,” he admitted softly as he stroked my cheek tenderly.
As I stared up at him, I was inclined to believe him. Despite our rivalry, he’d been jumping in to help me with my personal shit, and he’d been my protector against unscrupulous characters. And let’s not get started on the way he made love to me even when he claimed it was “just sex”… Alex Knight had loved me the entire time, and I was too wrapped up in my guilt and misery to realize it.
“I never stopped loving you either, Alex,” I whispered through the ball of emotion forming in my throat. “I never will.”
He swept me into his arms, and I melted against him instantly. The moment our lips touched, I practically felt all the anger, resentment, uncertainty, and hurt fade away. He kissed me gently, with love, forgiveness, and hope for a brighter future.
When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against mine. I closed my eyes and basked in the way his arms circled my waist, holding me possessively to him. We just stood there for a while, embracing and saying nothing.
Finally, Alex said, “We’ve been standing here for a while. Your feet must be tired.”
“They are,” I mumbled against his chest. “But I don’t care.”
He chuckled. “So, I’m really going to be a baby daddy, huh?”
I snorted my amusement. We hadn’t gotten around to discussing that. Reluctantly pulling away, I gave him a sheepish look. “Yes, and I’m sorry I kept it from you.”
“Why did you?”
My eyes skated away from him and heat scorched my face. “I was afraid you’d think I deliberately got pregnant so you’d go easy on me with BioTech. I wanted to win or lose fairly. Plus, I was sure you wouldn’t be happy about a child, especially with me…”
He took a step back and scrubbed a hand over his face. “I sure made a mess of things, didn’t I?”
“We did,” I corrected.
“There’s only one thing to do,” he sighed.
I eyed him with mild skepticism because he was known to do crazy things and come up with crazy ideas. “What’s that?”
“Get our shit together before the baby is born,” he muttered.
After a beat of silence, my laughter floated around the office. “Definitely.”
“Let’s start with BioTech. I?—”
“Don’t you dare say it, Alex,” I warned as I pointed a threatening finger at him. He gazed at me with bemusement, and I added, “I don’t want to talk about it. Not now. Let’s just… find our footing first, okay?”
He shrugged. “Okay.”
I finally got to tell him my truth and earned his forgiveness. The love of my life still loved me, and I simply wanted to bask in it for a moment before we discussed anything else. I’d allow nothing to ruin my current happiness.