Page 62 of Fastlander Fallen
She’d ended up spending almost the entire day with Ace. The only time they’d been separate was while she got her nails done, when he’d made some calls to his boss, and talked to the realtor about his offer and what the sellers had countered with. He’d even come in at the end and paid for her nails to be done, and she had warned him that he was spoiling her. “Good,” he’d said.
Tonight, he’d driven her back to her car and then followed her to Winding Creek Way, then rolled down his window at the fork in the road that would lead him to Gunner and Hallie’s property.
He’d waved at her and said, “I had fun with you today.”
She’d called out her open passenger’s side window, “I had a good time too, friend.”
He had narrowed his eyes at her and shook his head, but he hadn’t corrected her. Test failed.
And here she was, getting ready for bed, completely consumed with the thought of him. She’d even showered and done her full skincare routine trying to settle down after the fun day, but she was going to have trouble sleeping tonight. She just knew it.
Her phone lit up with a text as she was rubbing moisturizer all over her face.
Want to see my tent?
It was Ace. She turned around and sat on the counter as she texted back. I don’t do booty calls. Send.
I’m sorry if you thought that’s what that was. It wasn’t. I’m being a gentleman.
She narrowed her eyes at the text. I have to work in the morning. Send.
Ten minutes to get up here, the tent tour will be fast. Ten minutes back. Promise. Hallie is still awake. She and Gunner are hanging with us.
Oooh, that changed things then. Party without me? Send.
Not if you come over. I’m trying to include you.
I’m already in my pajamas. Send.
I hope it’s that sexy number on my lock screen.
Her laugh filled the bathroom.
Fiiiine. Send. I’ll be over in a few. Send.
Good. See you soon.
She trotted into her room, excitement trilling through her. She pulled on a pair of cutoff jean shorts, a sports bra, and a baggy black sweatshirt, pulled her hair up into a bun, and hesitated at the mirror. She had already taken her makeup off.
She ran into the bathroom, put some mascara on, and called it good.
Ten minutes later she was pulling up to the clearing in front of Hallie and Gunner’s single-wide. Off to the side, by the trees, the tents had all been set up. They were nice! And huge. They were each the two-room kind, and each had a couple of bag chairs set out in front of the doors.
The firepit was blazing in the middle of the clearing, and Hallie, Gunner, and Owen were standing around it. Ace was already striding toward her car, like he’d heard her coming. He probably had.
When she got out, he was already around the front of her car. She instinctively drifted into his arms for a greeting hug, and he held her a few seconds longer than she’d expected. “I’m already homesick,” he admitted.
She laughed. “You’ve only been here two hours.”
“I already want to fight Owen, and his damn tent is next to mine.”
She laughed and leaned back to look up at him. “You can do this. Staying here will help you make the decision.”
The smile drifted from his lips but hung there softly, just at the corners. “Okay,” he murmured in a deep, rumbling voice.
He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers, held for a few moments, and then eased back.
“You’re playing with my mind more,” she admonished him.