Page 4 of Fastlander Fealty
“Mmm hmm, I rented a cabin just up the way. I’m excited to do some exploring.” She hadn’t thought that part through before she blabbed it, but she was surprised at the pure honesty in the admission. She was a little excited.
“There’s a couple river spots that are worth a trip,” he said. “They have waterfalls, and you’ll probably see some shifters along the way if you decide to float the river.”
“Float the river? What does that mean?”
“Write down a name in your notebook.”
She rested the tip of her pen to the first page of her little notepad. “I’m ready.”
“Dart’s Float Floats. You can find it in your maps. They rent the innertubes out and take you upriver in a van to a drop off point, then you just float the river back down to Dart’s. If you want to see pretty scenery, it’s the right season for that. There are a bunch of beach spots and you’ll probably see some shifters hanging there. Also, there’s a rodeo happening this week, and there are some bull shifters registered to be bucking. Tickets are cheap. Twenty bucks a ticket, and cash for beer and corn dogs will give you a fun night. You’ll definitely see some shifters there.”
“Thank you,” she said softly. She lifted the notepad in the air. “I’ll check into those.”
He nodded and turned back around as the woman behind an open cash register called out, “Next.”
And that was that. Silver watched him walk over to the register, lean on the counter, and talk with ease to the lady who wore a big smile like she knew him.
From here, she could see his muscular back through the thin T-shirt. He was hot. His charisma and charm were a breath of fresh air.
Distracted with watching him, she missed the other woman calling, “Next,” the first time, clearly, because the man behind her tapped her shoulder and pointed to the open one with the cashier waving to her.
Embarrassed, Silver scurried over there and realized she had looked at the menu exactly zero times.
“Umm, what do you recommend for an out-of-towner?”
“First time here?” the lady said in a friendly manner.
“Give her the sampler,” the guy from the line called over to them. “Pork ribs, chopped brisket, give her a side of Texas Toast and pickles, and a side of the barbecue sauce sampler too. Creamed corn, and that jalapeño mac and cheese for her sides.”
The cashier arched her eyebrows at him and then dragged her gaze to Silver. “It would be the best way to try a lot of things. Would you like the sampler?”
“Yes, but can I add cornbread and a baked potato too? Loaded and maybe with some brisket in the potato? Extra cheese?”
“Yes, girl,” the woman said with a grin as she entered her order.
“And she eats,” the man said.
Oh shit. That was a huge order for a human. “I’ll take leftovers back to my cabin if I have them,” she rushed out.
“You won’t have any,” the guy assured her, and then stepped over to her and slid his credit card into the machine before she could get her cash out.
“Oh, you don’t have to do that!” she said.
“Too late. Hey, Captain?” he called. “Give this nice lady the ribs that just came off the smoker.”
A giant appeared around the corner with foiled slabs of meat stacked in his muscular arms. His eyes landed on her, and she froze. He looked her up and down, and said, “If it was just for you, I’d tell you to fuck off, but since it’s for a lady, I’ll hook you up.”
“Do you…do you know each other?” she asked.
“Hate each other,” Captain clarified over his shoulder as he unwrapped what looked like a fresh steaming brisket. He pulled a huge knife from a block and began expertly cutting it up.
Two other men were bustling around, gathering the food that was on her ticket, and stacking it all on a red tray on the counter beside Hallie.
The tray was filled fast, and Captain, true to his word, cut up fresh ribs and added them to the pile.
“Thank you very much,” she called to Captain quickly as he turned to leave.
He hesitated and cocked his head at her, then glanced at the other guy, who was having his tray filled as well.