Page 16 of Fastlander Fighter
“I don’t know, boy-boy. We will just have to see. Either way, we are going to have so much fun.”
If she was successful at ignoring the Ryan-and-Naomi show.
Chapter Six
“Who is she?” Hallie asked from her and Gunner’s front porch.
Captain narrowed his eyes at her, then ignored her and went back to stoking the firepit fire.
“No answer means she’s important,” Hallie called out.
“How many of those have you had?” Captain said, pointing to her canned mango margarita.
“First one. You want one? Let’s girl-talk.”
“I would rather swan dive into a portable potty and then live there.”
He sighed and glared at the Second of the Fastlander Crew. His brother’s mate, his sister-in-law, the splinter, the one who figured out everything about everything. “I’m allowed to have a life.”
Captain crossed his arms over his chest. “You just want information so you can take it to Gunner, and then he will take it to our parents and try to be the favorite son, which is impossible because he sucks.”
Hallie shrugged up her shoulders, rocked in her porch chair, and took another sip of canned margarita. “What if I pinky-swear I won’t go to Gunner with any information you give me? What if I’m just curious about what has you feeling lighter lately?”
Captain smelled a rat. “No thank you.”
“I’ll give you fifty bucks—”
“Her name is Sloane and I knew her in high school. Pay up.”
“That was way easier than I thought it would be.”
“Her kid is cute,” Corey called, and gosh dangit, she was sitting on the porch she shared with her mate Ace, drinking a stupid margarita like she’d been there all along.
“You have to pinky-swear to not go to Gunner either!”
“Boy, have you ever even pinky-sworn before? None of this is binding until you hook your pinky in ours.”
“I fuckin’ hate this Crew,” he muttered as he strode over to Hallie and leaned over the porch railing. He pinky-swore her, and then made his way to Corey’s house to do the same. When a third female voice spoke up, he realized Silver had drifted out onto the porch of the replica of the original ten-ten, and he wanted to flip a table.
“Why do you females keep multiplying?” he yelled.
Something sailed through the air, and he caught it on instinct right before it pelted him in the forehead. It was a goddamned, stupid, motherfreaking canned margarita. “I’m not a girl!”
“Ruger is a cute name,” Silver said.
“How do you know his name?”
“Hallie overheard you talking to him at the soda machine the other day, and then she told Corey, and I happened to be standing close to them, and I overheard it all.”
“She’s just a childhood friend.”
The stupid lie in his voice was annoying, but bless the girls, they didn’t point it out. They just exchanged stupid knowing smiles.
“Single moms are a new thing for you,” Hallie pointed out. “Getting bored of the twenty-something toxics?”