Page 19 of Fastlander Fighter
“Come on, Ru!” Ryan yelled, punctuated with loud claps as he sat closer to Sloane on the bleachers.
Naomi glared at her and moved to sit right between them. Two of Naomi’s friends sitting in front of them looked at Sloane, then laughed and whispered something to Naomi.
Sloane’s discomfort was infinite.
A giant man blocked her view, kneeling in front of the bleachers and talking to Ruger through the chain-link fence.
Her heart hammered in her chest cavity. Was…was that…?
Captain caused an enormous grin in her son, and Ruger took another hard practice swing.
“Hey you,” Captain greeted her as he approached. He scanned the crowd on the bleachers. “Where’s he at?”
“Who?” she asked softly, still stunned that he was really standing in front of her, blocking the entire world with his massive frame.
“Ruger’s dad.”
“I’m Ruger’s dad,” Ryan barked out from the other side of Naomi.
Captain’s eyes narrowed at her ex-husband, and oh my gosh, this was bad! She hadn’t prepared Ryan, and he had an attitude problem, and—
“I’m Captain. Captain Walker,” he said as he made his way to Ryan and offered his hand for a shake.
Ryan glared at him, then at his hand, and back up at Captain. “I don’t know you. Why are you talking to my son?”
“I’m one of Sloane’s old friends. We go way back. Shake my hand, Ryan.” The steel in his voice as he stared right into Ryan’s soul made her want to laugh. The fact that Ryan reached forward and shook his hand right there in front of all his little friends made it nearly impossible to keep the giggle in her throat.
“Do I know you?” Ryan asked low. “Your name sounds familiar.”
“I remember you!” Naomi exclaimed. “He’s Captain Walker. Football. Remember? He was on that shifter team. All-state, right?”
Captain nodded and checked for Ruger’s advance on the plate. He was still on deck. “Yep. Sorry, I don’t remember your name.”
Naomi asked, “What?” and looked genuinely confused. Sloane got it. She was popular in high school and in the same year as Sloane, and in many of the same classes, so she remembered her well. She was used to being the center of attention.
Captain offered his hand for a shake. “Captain. Nice to meet you.”
“Wait, you know me. Remember? We used to party together.”
“Mmm, I don’t recall.”
“Naomi? Naomi Webber? Well, I have a new last name now, but I was Naomi Webber back in high school,” she said, giving his hand a limp shake, shock and offense written into every facet of her face. “Ring a bell yet?”
“Nope. Nice to meet you.” He gave her his back and grinned at Sloane as he stood on her other side. He shocked her to her soul as he leaned over, kissed her cheek, and murmured, “Sorry I’m late.”
“You…” She’d lost the ability to have intelligent conversation. Sloane touched the warm spot he’d left on her cheek. “You kissed me. I don’t want that to confuse Ruger.”
“Ruger ain’t lookin’, but his daddy is. That was for Ryan, and Naomi Webber, who gave half the football team blowjobs at the Friday-night parties.”
“You do remember her.”
“I remember her dancing on a lot of tables for attention,” he muttered low, then clapped and said, “Let’s go Ruger. Big hit, buddy.”
“He’s not your buddy!” Ryan barked.
“Nice steady swing,” Captain said, completely ignoring Ryan’s outburst.
Sloane pursed her lips against her smile as she witnessed Ryan’s bright-red cheeks and dirty look aimed at Captain.