Page 39 of Fastlander Fighter
She mattered.
Fuck Ryan and how he’d made her feel. Fuck Naomi and their friends.
Sloane had hung out with the Fastlanders tonight and felt like a part of something for the first time in a long time, and it had awakened something inside of her that she’d thought she lost.
The top stack of pictures in the box was old photographs of her and Ryan when they’d first been dating.
She glared at them for a moment, letting the feelings wash through her, then plucked off the top one, crumpled it up, and tossed it into the beginnings of a trash pile.
After tonight, things would be different.
In some ways, Captain had confused her.
In some ways, he had made things crystal clear.
Chapter Thirteen
Captain hadn’t texted last night, or even all day today, but that was okay. At least, that’s what Sloane was telling herself.
She had shit to accomplish and needed zero men to get in her way.
It was her night off from her cashier job at the local grocery store, and she was determined to get rid of every single box in this place.
She wasn’t throwing everything away, but everything that Ryan had touched, or that held a bad memory? Trash pile, or donation pile.
Today she was rocking cut-off jean shorts, red and black Air Max sneakers, a loose black cropped tank top, and a get-shit-done messy bun on top of her head.
She’d consumed two cups of coffee and was full of piss and vinegar as she sorted the trash and donation piles.
Anything of Ruger, or of her and Ruger, was an immediate keep.
It was time to rebuild their life, and not just feel like she was getting dragged through life. It was an important moment for a woman to have.
Her phone rang, and she blew a flyaway strand of hair out of her face and checked the phone screen.
Captain had texted, Can I bring you food?
She picked up the phone, hesitated, and then typed out, Depends. Are you bringing me food just to get into my pants and then talk about not knowing if you care or don’t care? Send.
I’m probably going to try to kiss you again because I like the taste of you, but last night’s Change was good for me. I have more control today. I won’t ask for anything. Just want to be around you. Long day at work.
She connected a call to him because she’d gotten a little sliver of worry in her chest and wanted to hear his voice.
He picked up on the second ring. “Hey.”
“Are you okay?”
“What? Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Because you said you had a long day at work.”
“Oh.” There was a long pause. “I don’t think anyone has ever asked about my day at work.”
“Well, I’m poppin’ that cherry. How was your day at work, friend?”
He huffed a dark laugh. “Keep it up, Middleson. Go on, push the bear into getting possessive again.”
She grinned to herself and looked around the trashed apartment. “I’ve been working too. I’m unpacking my life and throwing away the old memories. It’s been a roller coaster day.”