Page 40 of Veiled
I always bounce back. It’s kind of my thing. I’ll be fine, and Justin will be great.
I’m not fine. Not at all. I feel numb and aching in ways I never knew was possible. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me. Normally, I love going over to Ryan and Grady’s house, but tonight, it took everything inside me not to send a text telling them I couldn’t make it.
But I couldn’t do it. They’re my best friends in the world besides Jenny, and I haven’t seen them for far too long. It’s only been a week since I left Nashville, and most things have gone back to fairly normal.
I’ve caught up with most of my clients in person. I’ve set up gigs for Justin, to which he replied with a thumbs-up emoji each time I sent him the information. But I know he’ll go to them.
It’s just a feeling I have, but I know he loved it.
I should have mentioned that I could go with him to each one, but I felt too raw to do it. Never has that happened to me, where I didn’t offer my services to a damn client, but it’s too soon. I need a break.
I need to give my brain a chance to get with the damn program.
I’ll get back to it. I will.
I ring the doorbell, holding onto the expensive bottle of wine I brought as a gift like a security blanket, pressing it against my chest and clinging to it. Ryan answers the door, his eyes glistening with delight. “Finally.”
“Hey, sorry. I know I’m late.”
He just waves it off and pulls me in for a hug. “It’s very unlike you.”
It’s true. I’m punctual to a fault. Always on time. Never ever late. Always professional. “Sorry,” I say, barely getting the word out.
“You okay?” He pulls out of the hug, studying me way too damn closely. He knows me too well, and I don’t like feeling on display.
Thankfully, one of his twins, Kiera, comes running up at that same time and leaps into my arms. “Hey, baby girl!”
“Uncle Waylon!” She’s four and so damn cute, I can barely stand it. With big blue eyes and blond pigtails. “Where have you been?”
Ryan laughs and takes the bottle of wine from me so I can hug her better. I carry her further inside and snuggle up to her. “I’m sorry, sweetie. I had some business to attend to.”
“Where?” she asks, scrunching up her cute little nose as I sit us both down on the couch in the living room. I don’t get a chance to answer her because her twin brother comes running into the living room with his racecar, zooming it all over the coffee table.
“Uncle Waylon! You’re back!” he says, before launching the racecar across the room and chasing after it.
“Yeah. I am. Did you miss me, Connor?” He just nods but then runs off, and I laugh, addressing my little princess, “Nashville.”
“Where is that?” she asks, her attention fully on me with those wide eyes.
“Tennessee,” I say just as Grady walks into the living room, his eyes meeting mine in a warm greeting.
“Finally. Where have you been?”
“‘Nessee,” Kiera answers, and I smile at her attempt.
“What is that?” Their oldest daughter Kristy walks into the room, looking far too old for me. She’s eight now, but I think she grew a foot since I saw her last. Time, slow down.
“Tennessee. It’s where Uncle Waylon has been,” Grady says, kissing the top of her head. Goddamn, it’s still weird seeing him as a parent. He’s damn good at it, that’s for sure, but he’s the rockstar. The playboy. The fucking manwhore, honestly.
And now he’s married to his best friend with three beautiful kids. Happy as hell. How the hell does he do it?
“Oh,” Kristy says, shrugging and then sitting next to me on the couch. “Did you bring me anything?”
I laugh as Grady admonishes her, “Kristy.”
“What?” she asks with big bright eyes.