Page 45 of Out of Peril
“It's going to be okay. They're allies. Uh, friends.”
“Not with Lindsey.”
“But they are with me.”
“Be careful, Walker.”
“I will.”
“I really hope you know what you're doing,” Dante said skeptically.
“Me too, kid. Me too.”
Sensing no more pushback, I ruffled his hair and turned to leave.
Outside, I stripped out of my clothes and left them next to the back porch before shifting.
It took a minute to gain control over my wolf. I wasn't used to such problems, but all he wanted to do was go after our mate.
Once I swayed his attention back to our mission, we took off with our nose to the ground. It didn't take long for him to pick up the scent of the panthers. I ran fast through the woods and marsh until it opened back up. Lindsey hadn't been kidding when she said the borders were very close.
And almost as soon as I entered panther territory, they were on me. I had no way of knowing if Kian was among them as they were all in animal form, but once I'd allowed them to surround me, I shifted and held my arms up in surrender.
“King Dannett. I need to speak with King Dannett, or Kian Dannett. I'm Walker of Westin Force Delta. Most of you probably know me, I escort Jenna Westin down here to see Anita often.”
Jenna was a panther, Chase's mate, and Anita was mated to Kian. The girls were best friends since childhood, so it wasn't uncommon for Jenna to come down to Louisiana to visit the Dannett Klaw, or rather the Dannett Pride, as their King preferred to call them.
Two men shifted first. One was Kian, and I recognized the other as his friend, Sebastian.
“Kian, Bas, it's really good to see you both.”
“What are you doing here, Walker?” Kian asked.
I chuckled. “Now that's a long story. But I’ve lost my phone and need to get word back to my unit that I'm here. It's been nearly a week since I lost contact, so I know they must be worried. Can you tell them I'm here?”
“Sure, but where are you staying? We can put you up at the house. It's no problem.”
“It's okay. I'm staying nearby at one of the NOLA wolf manors.”
His eyes widened as he shook his head. “No! Not there. It's not safe.”
“It's safe. I promise.”
“There's a monster staying there. Come on up to the house and I'll explain everything,” Kian suggested.
“I can't. I have to get back.”
“Are you in trouble?”
“No more than usual.” I grinned.
“You're sure? I can help if you are.”
“I'm fine. I promise. And I need you to relay that to the team. Let them know I'll be in touch as soon as possible. I just have a few things to work out first. It's been a crazy week.”
“But the beast,” Bas protested.
I growled. “She's not a beast.”