Page 78 of Out of Peril
My teeth retracted and I threw back my head, gulping for air and clinging to my mate.
“Walker,” I cried.
“Lindsey,” he moaned as he came hard, shuddering all around me.
When his arms loosened their grip on me, I collapsed back onto the table.
He stared down at me, panting as his blue eyes pierced my soul.
I'd never felt so exposed and yet perfectly at peace.
“I'm sorry,” he whispered.
I scowled, my anger flaring. “For what?”
“I wasn't thinking. You clearly weren't ready. I shouldn't have marked you.”
I sat up and held his face in my hands so he was forced to look at me.
“You didn't make me do anything. That was my choice. I don't understand why you would choose to bind yourself to me, but I could list a million reasons why I choose you.”
A smile tipped the corners of his lips as he kissed me once more. This time, he picked me up and carried me back to our bedroom where we made love again, this time taking our sweet time. After all, we had a lifetime ahead of us now. Because there was no turning back from a sealed bond.
“Behave,” I warned him. “You promised me a tour of San Marco today, and that better include food. I'm starving.”
He nibbled at my neck along the place where he'd chosen to mark me.
“I fear I'll always be this hungry for you.”
I laughed. “I just gave you a lifetime. You can wait a few hours before starting that again.” He reached for my breast, and I swatted his hand away. “No touching or we'll never leave this bed. And then I'll starve to death.”
“But you'll die a very, very happy woman.”
“You're pretty full of yourself right now.”
He shrugged and turned on the dimples.
“Not gonna work. I mean seriously, has any woman ever told you no?”
“Apparently you are truly a one-of-a-kind anomaly.”
“Hey!” I smacked his ass playfully as he slowly got off the bed.
“Well, come on, get dressed. We don't have all day.”
I looked at the clock and frowned. “The kids will be back in an hour.”
“I can call Shelby and have her keep them. Perhaps even for the night,” he said slyly.
I blushed. “We can't do that.”
“We can. We definitely can. Just say yes and I'll spend the night making all your dreams come true.”
His voice held so much promise. I sighed contentedly.
“I think you already have.”