Page 37 of His Treasured Mate
“Are you guys okay? I’m starting to worry about you,” he said.
“We’re fine. We’re just pregnant,” I blurted out.
“Mom never acted this weird when she was pregnant.”
“That’s because your mother is a saint,” I assured him.
“She really is.”
“Who’s a saint?” Maddie asked.
“You are.”
I hugged her, my best friend, and my twin’s mate. I hated that we lived so far apart. Times like this made me miss them like crazy. Even if Westin didn’t quite feel like home anymore, these people did.
“I can’t even believe how tall Cammie’s gotten.”
“I know. Mom was commenting on it, too. My little girl is growing up quickly. But then again, look at this guy. I almost didn’t recognize you, Oscar. You aren’t even a boy anymore. When did you grow up and become a man?”
“Maybe that’s a sign you should visit more,” he teased.
“You know that plane flies in both directions. You’re always welcome to come visit us in Collier.”
“I know. And who knows, maybe I’ll take you up on that for like Fall break or something this year.”
“And not come home to see your mother?” Maddie asked.
He shrugged. “Maybe.”
“So how does it feel to be all graduated and heading off to college soon?”
“It feels great. I can’t wait to get settled in.”
“Are you planning to rush Delta Omega Gamma this year?”
He scrunched up his nose and then shrugged.
“Does your dad and Uncle Chase know about this?”
“Not exactly, so I’d prefer to keep it out of conversation this week. I don’t want to ruin the reunion or anything.”
Oscar had always been a sweet and considerate kid. When he said that, I knew he wasn’t just trying to avoid the subject. He genuinely meant he didn’t want to upset anyone this weekend.
“Speaking of my twin, where the heck is he?”
“Working,” Maddie said.
“He’s had a big audit that he’s still working to clean up,” Oscar explained.
“Like a tax or government audit?”
“Shit. How’s that going?”
“Oh, it’s fine. He’s got everything under control. He’s just dotting all his I’s and crossing all his T’s ensuring everything’s in order.”