Page 46 of His Treasured Mate
“Wow, that was a quickie,” Patrick joked when I walked back downstairs.
“Nah, Lil looked pissed. Did you cut her off? No sex in her childhood bed or something?” Chase asked.
“Well, I know for a fact that’s not the case.” Liam shuddered with old memories of walking in on me and his sister in said bedroom.
I just smiled.
“She’s already starting to dilate, and it’s way too early for that. I’m not taking any chances.”
“No wonder she’s pissed,” Chase said with a laugh. “You cockblocked her.”
“I think that means the new kid cockblocked them,” Ben argued.
“Regardless, you’re an idiot. I was told that sex was not a trigger for labor,” Kyle informed us.
“Bullshit. Someone was kissing your Alpha-ass,” Liam challenged. “A quick search on the internet will tell you it’s in the top five best natural methods to stimulate labor.”
“It didn’t work with Lilah, but not for a lack of trying,” I confessed.
“Why are we fecking talking about this? Guys who talk about sex aren’t getting it. I, for one, have nothing to contribute to this conversation,” Patrick insisted.
“Liar. Lily and Elise talk about everything. I know you’re full of Irish crap.”
He scowled at me.
“I may have freaked out a bit at first, but I’m over that. After Micah assured me it was safe for the baby, life has gone back to normal. Hell, better than normal, if you know what I mean.”
I groaned. I did know what he meant. Lily was always super horny and ready to go when she was pregnant, and I knew that once the baby arrived, she’d be sore for a few weeks and then exhausted tending to a newborn.
The realization that it could be a lot longer than seven weeks made me want to puke.
“Gentleman, he’s turning green,” Patrick announced.
“Can we just stop talking about sex? You guys sound like a bunch of freaking women,” I complained.
Fortunately, they put me out of my misery and moved on to other topics.
Nightfall came and a new day began much the same as the previous. Mary and Jason doted on the kids. I hung out with the guys, and Lily was off doing who knew what with the women.
As the day progressed, more and more people arrived. With the arrival of the last plane from Collier, we were all together at last.
“You know, I don’t really understand what the big deal is about this picnic reunion thing,” Chase said.
From yesterday’s group, we’d added Cole, Gage, Oliver, and Bran, my other sisters’ mates.
“We’re all here for the weekend and together. To me, this is the reunion,” Cole agreed.
“But we’re all here hanging out. The grandparents are busy with the grandkids, and our mates are off who knows where doing who knows what. Tomorrow, the picnic will bring us all together,” Kyle explained.
“That’s what Kelsey told you, huh?” Cole guessed.
“Oh, absolutely,” Kyle admitted.
We all laughed.
It was nice just hanging out, catching up, and ragging on each other. I didn’t allow myself time to just relax and enjoy life like this often. I even struggled to fit my Six Pack brothers in lately. The demands of being the Alpha, a mate, a son, a brother, and a father were all I could handle at times.
This was nice, though. I felt more relaxed than I had in a long time, which was super weird given I was in Westin territory and seldom calm enough to enjoy myself when I was here.