Page 55 of His Treasured Mate
“Save it for the judge. I’m going to have to take you in.”
“What the hell? For using a public restroom?”
“For using the women’s room when you clearly are not one.”
“Technically, I wasn’t using it. She was.”
“Your blaming this on your daughter?”
“I went pee-pee in the potty,” Lilah told him.
“You did so good, sweet pea. Look, at least let me take her to her mother and then we’ll get all this sorted out. We’re just visiting and don’t want any trouble.”
“Thomas?” I heard Lily yell.
“Over here.”
I felt a relief when I saw her.
“I need you to take Lilah. I have to go down to the station with this fine young man,” I said.
Lily scoffed. “Like hell you are.”
She stared the man down.
“Miss. I’m sorry about this, but there was an incident. I received numerous calls and can’t just let this go. I’m not sure where you folks are from, but here in San Marco we don’t appreciate men invading the ladies’ room.”
“What? What did you do?” she asked me.
“I saw a bathroom, and I went for it. I didn’t even notice which one. I just needed a bathroom.”
“I went pee-pee, Mommy.”
Lilah clapped for herself.
“Yay. Way to go, sweet girl. I’m so proud of you.”
“It was close, but we made it. I really am sorry, sheriff. I don’t know if you have children, but this was kind of a big deal for us.”
“That’s fine and all, but it’s not okay, and so I’m going to need you to come down to the station with me for ticketing.”
Lily snorted. “Who exactly are you?”
“Sheriff Lane Stoddard, ma’am.”
“Oh, so you’re new around here.”
“I’ve been here a few years.”
She rolled her eyes. “Like I said, new. Come with me.”
When he didn’t move, she growled in frustration.
“Kyle! Get over here,” she yelled.