Page 66 of His Treasured Mate
Oscar sighed. “I knew you both wanted me to be a wolf so badly. I just hate that I let you down.”
“You're not letting anyone down, Oscar. You can't control what you are any more than we can. Tiger, wolf, it doesn't matter, and it doesn't change who you are.”
“I know you're trying to help, Thomas, but please stay out of this,” my sister said.
I took a step back, shocked by what she'd just said.
“Hey, we really are just trying to help,” Lily argued. “He was terrified to tell you guys, and I'll admit you aren't handling this as well as I thought you would.”
“This isn't about you, Lily. And you can't possibly understand how this feels.”
“He's a freaking tiger. So what? Don't either of you dare tell me you love him any less because of it.”
I went to my mate and wrapped my arm around her.
Calm down, Slugger.
I can't believe they are doing this to him. Do they even realize how hard this was for him to talk about with them?
Maybe he was justified in keeping this to himself.
“It has nothing to do with him being a tiger. We've always known that was a possibility. And we know you're just trying to help and support him. We love you both for it, but the fact that he's been lying to us for two years is hard to digest,” Liam explained.
“He didn't lie, he just didn't tell you.”
“Oscar, we've asked you so many times if you've shifted yet and you lied to our faces every single time. How are we supposed to trust you after this? You're about to go off to college and now we have to worry about what else you're going to lie to us about?” Maddie said.
“I didn't mean to lie. I just didn't know how to tell you either.”
“You know you can talk to us about anything,” Liam said.
“No, I can't. You have no idea what this feels like. I told Aunt Lily that you'd react this way. I knew you'd freak out. I'm a tiger living in a wolf Pack. It's so screwed up. And you guys will never fully understand that.”
“Does Jack know?” Liam asked.
“No. But I am leaving for college soon and I needed to get this off my chest first.”
“Well, I hope you feel better about it all,” Liam said coldly.
“Liam!” Lily scolded.
“Come on Maddie. We should get the kids and take this home to discuss further.”
Oscar gave us a sad look.
“I told you.”
I couldn't believe the way my sister and her mate were reacting. I understood they were upset and that it had come as a shock, but this was ridiculous.
“Liam. . .” Lily tried.
“Stay out of it Lil. This doesn't concern you.”
Doesn't concern me? Is he insane. He's my nephew.
And he's their son, Slugger. They've just been blindsided. Give them some time.
I'm gonna blindside them both when I knock some sense into them.