Page 88 of His Treasured Mate
I forced myself to get out of that bed, and I walked down the hall to the nursery to check on things.
“How's it going in here?”
“All good. Tommy's vitals look great and we have him all settled in. Before I go, we'll go over all of his care and the new machines, though I suspect you probably know all of this better than I do.”
I walked over to his bed and stuck my hand in through one of the holes to touch him. His hair was starting to come in like thick peach fuzz. And when he grabbed my finger his grip around me was stronger than usual.
“He's going to be okay, right Sam?”
“Don’t listen to those humans or let them inside your head. They don’t understand the healing power and protection of a wolf shifter. If Tommy was full grown, he could shift and heal all of this in a matter of minutes.”
“But he's not.”
“No, he's not, and I can't guarantee he won't have some lasting concerns or issues to deal with, but he is growing, maybe a little slowly, but still. He's also a fighter, Lily. His lungs were so underdeveloped that he shouldn't have survived the first twenty-four hours. Now I don't know what the future is going to hold for him, but I'm telling you this kid has a chance.”
I hugged Sam. “Thank you.”
“Now that he's home and not under human scrutiny. We can start taking him out more often and do some skin to skin therapy. I think it will do you both some good. His temperature is holding well enough for it, I think. They kept thinking he was running a fever and therefore battling an infection somewhere, but we know that's normal for wolf shifters, even little pups.”
“Thank you. I think I need that more than anything.”
“I'm really sorry I let you down, Lily. I know there have been those who suspected twins, but I swear to you I looked with every ultrasound we ran and there were plenty of them.”
“I know. This wasn't your fault. His twin seems very protective of him and was just hiding him. It happens.”
“Someone in the room snapped this picture during delivery and I thought you'd want to see it.”
I looked at his phone and my heart was so full seeing it.
“They held hands?”
“Yeah. I may not even have noticed Tommy right away had Terra not pulled him out with her.”
I knew what he wasn't saying. If not for this moment I was staring at, he may not have realized there was a second in there until it was too late. Those minutes had been crucial to his successful delivery.
“She saved him. If my hoo-hah wasn't on full display, I'd blow this picture up and frame it.”
Chapter 22
The whole Pack had come out to welcome us home. While Lily wasn't ready to face them and needed to focus on our babies, I had to step up and reassure our people that everything was okay.
A line had formed to come through and welcome our newest arrivals, and while I hadn't made a formal statement just yet, they all understood something was wrong, and rumors had leaked that we'd had a boy.
That drew a lot of excitement within the Pack. It was the heir they'd all been praying for.
After discussing with Sam and Lily, we decided it would be okay to introduce everyone to Terra. So, the older girls and I walked out to the front porch and lined up to officially introduce Terra to everyone.
I had the baby swaddled in in a pink blanket as one by one people stepped up to meet her.
Hewitt of all people was right up front. He looked down and scrunched up his nose. “Another girl? I thought they said it was a boy and you'd finally given us an Alpha heir.”
Cammie stood a little taller next to me, but when she started to speak, I quickly cut her off.
“Twins. This is Terra. Tommy still requires some additional time and can't be around others just yet. Soon, I hope.”