Page 1 of Adonis in Athens
Paige Carter pulled up to the valet and all but snatched the ticket from the young man’s hand as she stepped out of her car. She was supposed to be here at 6:00 and it was already 6:10, so she knew her boyfriend would be annoyed. Tom never yelled or got angry when she was late, but she could see the disappointment in his eyes and it was worse than when a parent looked at you that way. It made her uncomfortable, having that much power over a grown man, so she did her best to avoid being in that situation. Today had just been a long day at work and when it was this hot, she felt sluggish.
She didn’t mean to fall behind, but somehow it always happened where Tom was concerned. She often wondered if, subconsciously, she did it on purpose. Nothing else made sense, because she was always punctual for work and other appointments. There was something about him, though, that brought out the procrastination and disorganization she usually kept at bay.
Since summer in Las Vegas was hotter than the hinges of the gates of hell probably were, and she could feel the makeup she’d so carefully applied begin to melt off her face, she resigned herself to arriving late, not looking her best and undoubtedly spending half the night apologizing. With a sigh of frustration, she hurried to the entrance.
Pasting a smile on her face, she approached the hostess. “Hi. My boyfriend is probably already here and—”
“Miss Carter!” The hostess’s eyes twinkled as she grinned at her. “Oh, yes, he’s here! Your whole family is here! Are you totally excited?”
Paige cocked her head slightly, her brows knitting together. “Um, what?”
“Uhh…” The girl’s face darkened slightly and she turned away, fidgeting with something on her computer. “Oh, um, maybe I was mistaken. What’s your boyfriend’s name again?”
Paige had a funny feeling in the pit of her stomach. “Tom. Tom Malone.”
“Okay, yes. Um, follow me.” She strode into the heart of the restaurant and Paige had no choice but to follow, scanning the tables for Tom.
They walked all the way to the back and the hostess turned with a smile. “You’re here in the back room—have a wonderful evening!” She opened the double doors that led into the big room usually reserved for private parties and Paige stepped forward with trepidation.
“There she is!” Tom was grinning broadly as he approached her, and Paige’s stomach dropped.
“What’s going on?” she whispered under her breath as he brushed his lips across hers.
“Wait and see!” he whispered back impishly.
Paige nearly groaned as she spotted her parents sitting at a table with her sister, Nicky, and her Aunt Sue and Uncle Paul. Her father gave her a thumbs-up while her mother waggled her fingers. She glanced from her parents to Tom and then across the room where she spotted her traitorous best friend, Raegan Warner, who should have warned her that something was going on. Because something was definitely going on.
“Tom!” She squeezed his hand harder than she intended and he turned in surprise, his eyes widening slightly.
“Honey, I know you’re always cranky after a long week at work but trust me, okay? You’re going to like this!” He kissed her cheek and pulled her along with him to a table at the front of the room, where his parents and sister were sitting.
“Why is everyone so dressed up?” she hissed in his ear. “I’m in capris and a T-shirt!”
“You’re gorgeous no matter what you’re wearing!” he whispered.
She wanted to roll her eyes but he was being so sweet and earnest, she mentally chided herself as she gave him a little smile. “Thanks—but you know I hate surprises.”
“This one is worth it!” he grinned, pulling out her chair and waiting for her to sit down.
“Hi, Mrs. Malone, Mr. Malone.” Paige nodded at his parents before turning to his sister, Jean, who hated her. “Hi, Jean.”
“Hi.” Jean raised her eyebrows. “Nice Duran Duran T-shirt.”
“That’s what happens with surprises,” Paige said lightly. “If I’d known, I would’ve dressed for a special occasion.”
“Since it’s not that special of an occasion,” Jean muttered, “I guess you’re dressed fine.”
“Jean!” Tom gave his sister a dirty look but she merely shrugged.
He sighed but after a wink at Paige, turned and let out a low whistle. “Excuse me, everyone! Now that Paige is here, I have an announcement.”
Paige was getting more and more nervous as she looked up at Tom. Her parents’ obvious happiness, Jean’s grumpy attitude and the number of friends in the room made his intentions perfectly clear; he was going to propose again and she had no graceful way to refuse him.
“Mr. Carter.” Tom took a wireless microphone that seemed to appear out of thin air and walked across the room to Paige’s father, Seth. “You know how I feel about Paige.”
Seth smiled. “I think everyone does, son.”