Page 50 of Adonis in Athens
“It’s not that simple.” Paige paused, took a deep breath and told her mother everything. When she finished, she was exhausted and ready to sleep, but she had to answer her mother’s questions.
“I have to admit this is not what I was expecting to hear,” she said gently. “You’ve been married for three years and too afraid to find out for sure? Paige, that’s so unlike you! And this young man—Apollo? Are you sure, Paige? I mean, really sure?”
“Surer than I’ve ever been about anything, to be honest.”
“Well.” Angela hesitated. “It seems to me I’d like to meet this husband of yours.”
Paige smiled. “But what do I do, Mom? He’s been trying to convince me to move here and that makes the most sense—financially anyway. But now he’s willing to come to the States with me and it feels…wrong.”
“In what way?”
“He makes the money—what if he can’t in the U.S. and blames me for making him go or ruining his career or—”
“You aren’t making him do anything. The change in plan was because of what happened between him and his father. He can’t put that on you, no matter what happens.”
“You don’t sound upset,” Paige said hesitantly. “Like you wouldn’t mind either way.”
“I want you to be happy and every time you say his name, your voice changes…you sound like a woman who’s found her place in the world. I don’t know how else to explain it.”
“But won’t you miss me?”
“Of course!” Her mother burst out laughing. “But there are planes—in both directions—and what makes me happy is seeing you and your sister happy. Let’s be honest, Paige—your entry-level corporate job in the sales department is nice but it doesn’t make you happy. You should be doing something else, something that allows your brilliant mind and enormous heart to shine!”
“Mom, if I move to Greece I’ll be a stay-at-home wife—not even a mom ’cause we’re not ready for that yet!”
“If you move to Greece you’re going to find a way to help Apollo with the shipping company, just like you did the other night. Didn’t you say you helped him close that deal?”
“That deal was going to close no matter what, so my presence was superfluous.”
“Nonsense. His father set up a test and not only did he pass with flying colors, you did too, even though no one expected you to be part of the equation.”
“If he moves to the U.S. we’ll have to move to L.A. or San Francisco and I’ll probably get another entry-level position, which won’t be any fun.”
“It sounds to me like you want to move to Greece,” Angela said lightly.
“I do but…”
“But what, sweetheart?”
“I’m kind of afraid.”
“Your dad and I are always just a phone call away. There is nothing that would stop us from either sending you the money to leave or coming to get you. No matter how far away you are, you’ll never be alone, Paige. We’re always here for you.”
Paige felt tears sting her eyes. “I know. I just… As much as I love him, I still feel kind of dumb, like I’m lost in this spring break fantasy and trying to recapture something that should’ve ended more than three years ago.”
“Then why are you still there? Why did you extend your trip, all but move in with him, risk your job by asking for more vacation time, and already form a bond with one of his sisters and his grandmother? This sounds very real to me, sweetie. You just have to find the courage to do the right thing.”
“How do I know what the right thing is?” Paige asked softly. “For me to move here or for him to come to the U.S.?”
“That’s between you and him.” Angela paused. “But trust your gut. You’re a smart girl and if you really love each other, you’ll figure this out.”
“I love you, Mom.”
“I love you, too.”
The next week was uneventful, with Apollo going in to the office each morning while Paige slept in and caught up on work emails. Then they would get on his motorcycle and ride to a different beach, baking in the sun until they were exhausted, hungry or both, before going home to make love and shower. They spent one evening with Maria, Dimitri and Thespina, and another with Melina, Xristos and Thanos again, sitting up talking until late in the night. Apollo and his father had done a lot of talking as well and seemed to have come to an understanding, but Paige got the feeling neither of them were happy about it.