Page 64 of Adonis in Athens
“Who did you make love to before?” she panted, fire running through her at his touch.
“A woman who didn’t realize she was mine.”
“You’re a little possessive,” she grunted as he moved his hand down her torso, abandoning her breasts, which resulted in an immediate sense of loss. One hand cupped her backside while the fingers of his other hand spread the lips between her legs and began to explore.
“You have a problem with that?” He slid a finger into her and could feel the urgency, her frantic need for him, escalate. She’d become so incredibly wet, so quickly, it excited him to think he had that effect on her.
“No.” She could barely talk as he rolled his finger from side to side, finding her already engorged clit and teasing it until it was so stiff and hard she could feel the pressure as he moved over it. She wanted him inside of her and pressed against him, lifting one leg and wrapping it around his legs.
Their mouths locked together feverishly, and he plunged his tongue in and out in a motion similar to what he was going to do with his cock shortly. The whimpers escaping her made him harder than ever and he roughly pulled up her other leg so she was completely off the ground and her wetness rubbed onto his skin. He turned and set her beautiful bare ass on the counter, spread her thighs and used his hand to put the head of his penis against her pulsing entrance. They’d talked about dispensing with the use of condoms when they were still in Greece and he was damned if he was going to worry about it now that she was going to remain his wife, so he drove into her, sheathing himself completely.
“Damn, you feel good,” he sighed, closing his eyes against the pleasure. This wasn’t just good, it was beyond his wildest dreams. She was so slick the sensations were almost overwhelming when she rocked up her hips in a frantic attempt to bring him deeper, hold him closer.
“Don’t ever stop,” she moaned, arms around his neck, her lips seeking his greedily.
“Never.” He surged deeper, going faster and harder as he felt himself swelling, trying to keep from coming too soon. He reached down to find her clit again, stroking through the tender folds that were now afire for him. She was so ready, he could feel her clenching him, legs tightening around his waist, sweat starting to trickle between her breasts.
He caught her lips in a sweet but scorching kiss just as she broke apart, jerking against him, her scream swallowed in his mouth until he followed suit, his orgasm hard and seemingly endless as they continued to move together. Their torsos remained pressed tightly against one another as if they couldn’t bear even the tiniest separation of skin. She was still shaking, her breath coming in little hiccups of need, eyes still closed. In that moment, he became aware that this was exactly what he’d wanted, what he’d been waiting for—the only thing missing in his life. Now that he had her—really had her—he was never letting her go. Whatever it took, she was his and he was hers. Nothing else made any sense.
They woke up late in the morning. After a long night of talking and lovemaking that had them up until nearly dawn, it was almost noon before they stirred. Nudging him with her elbow, Paige sat up and smiled down at him.
“I’m hungry!” she announced. “And there is no food in the apartment, so get up!”
Though he barely opened his eyes, he arched a brow. “I live alone, without a kitchen, and there was always coffee at my house.”
She poked him with her toe. “I’ve been gone for three weeks! Normally I have coffee and bagels!”
He opened his eyes. “Yeah? I’m gonna like that.”
“Get up!” she repeated, laughing. “We need to take a shower!” She grabbed her phone to see if she’d missed any calls and found a line of green dots, showing five missed calls and 11 texts. All were from Raegan except one, from Tom:
Stopping by at noon to pack Raegan’s things.
Her eyes widened and she jumped to her feet. “Shit!” She called Raegan back immediately but there was no answer.
“What’s wrong?” Apollo asked, following her into the bathroom.
“Something is going on with Raegan—get dressed!”
He didn’t answer but by the time she’d used the bathroom, washed her face and brushed her teeth, he was wearing shorts and a T-shirt and traded places with her so she could get dressed as well.
Her phone rang just as she pulled a tank top over her head and she grabbed it. “Raegan!”
“Oh my God—where have you been?”
“We were asleep! What’s going on?”
“Tom and my mom talked the doctor into getting me released into his care and when I tried to say no they said I couldn’t leave without someone to care for me and you didn’t pick up and my insurance won’t pay for another day unless—”
“Fuck!” Paige slid her feet into a pair of sandals. “Where are you? Tom texted that he’s on his way over here to get your things!”
“He took my keys so he’ll be there any minute! Stop him, Paige, please! I was asleep and he and my mom had breakfast! I wasn’t aware of what was going on until about an hour ago.”
“Hang tight, I won’t let him get your stuff.”
“Someone’s coming!”
Raegan disconnected abruptly and Paige turned to Apollo just as they heard a key in the lock. “She doesn’t want him to take her stuff!” she whispered urgently. “What do we do?”