Page 105 of Until We Weren't
“I’ve gotten used to working with you every morning,” Destiny said, kissing Faith back. “I missed you.”
Faith chuckled. “We’ve got it bad.”
“Yes, you do!” Monica exclaimed from her desk. “But it’s cute,” she added, wrinkling her nose. “I’ve seen a change in both of you. Kim and I were talking the other day, we thought you were perfect for each other before, but things happened. Don’t mess this up. We were right from the get-go.”
“We’re not going to mess this up,” Destiny said.
“You mean, I’m not going to mess this up,” Faith stated.
“Let it go, Faith,” Monica said. “What happened wasn’t your fault.”
“It doesn’t matter because we’ve made it through,” Faith said, putting her arm around Destiny’s waist.
Destiny smirked. “She says that because she’s worried I’m planning a revenge plot to get Gloria back.”
Faith smiled. “We’re stronger and closer than ever.”
“Yes we are,” Destiny said. “Our best revenge is living happily ever after.”
“Would you listen to that,” Monica said. “I almost believe you.”
Faith chuckled. “We’d better get going. I have something to show you before our rock hunt.”
“I’m all yours,” Destiny said.
“Lucky me.” Faith took Destiny’s hand and led them to the door. “See you later, Monica.”
“Bye, y’all.”
“So what do you have to show me?” Destiny asked.
Faith left the shop and drove them back towards the building that was for sale. “I came across a place that might be perfect for Fields of Green,” she said, glancing over at Destiny.
“Oh really?”
“Come on,” Faith said. “I know you’ve thought about combining our businesses into one. It’s our dream, remember?”
“Of course I’ve thought about it,” Destiny replied. “I’m always thinking about our dream.”
Faith smiled and reached for Destiny’s hand. “I know we’ve been busy and stretched thin. We agreed to get the project done before we did anything else. But…”
“I’m getting the idea you like this place,” Destiny said.
“I haven’t really looked at it,” Faith replied. “I wanted you to see it with me.” She squeezed Destiny’s hand. “We’re at our best when we’re together.”
Destiny grinned. “We are one helluva team. Gloria is finding that out.”
Faith raised her brows and glanced over at Destiny.
“I didn’t do anything,” Destiny said, holding up her hand. “I heard she was trying to sell those shrubs to anyone who would take them.”
Faith chuckled. “She’ll leave us alone now that we’ve cost her money. She’s all about the profit.”
“Un huh,” Faith said warily. “We are not the revenge type of people.”
“Well,” Destiny said, drawing the word out.