Page 23 of Until We Weren't
Destiny stared at the phone and shook her head. “I recognize the doctor’s office.” She looked up into Faith’s eyes. “That’s not me.”
Faith scoffed and smiled sarcastically. “I knew you’d say that. Take a closer look. Do you recognize that hoodie?”
Destiny took the phone from her and replayed the video, staring at the screen.
“That’s the hoodie you took from me,” Faith explained. “Don’t you remember? You said you liked to wear it at work because it felt like?—”
“You were hugging me,” Destiny said softly.
“Could you feel me hugging you that night?” Faith asked with a bite to her voice.
Destiny sighed. “Faith,” she said and paused. “That is not me.”
Faith could see the truth in Destiny’s eyes, even in the dark. “But that’s my hoodie.”
“I know it is, but you took that hoodie back from me before you left,” Destiny said.
“No, I didn’t.”
Destiny let out a frustrated breath. She closed her eyes and Faith knew she was trying to recall memories from that time in their lives.
“I didn’t have your hoodie for days before this video,” Destiny said. “I thought you got tired of me wearing it and took it back.”
“No,” Faith said. “I liked that you wore it, especially when you told me why.”
Destiny gasped. “I kept it in my truck, until one day it wasn’t there. Anyone could have taken it.”
Faith furrowed her brow as a sinking feeling settled in her stomach. She played the video once again. Faith couldn’t count the number of times she’d seen it. This had to be Destiny. This person moved like her, was the same size as her. Surely Faith could tell the difference between her partner and someone else.
“I know it looks like me,” Destiny said. “But it’s not. I would not do this.”
Faith felt like Destiny was hearing her thoughts. “Then who could it be?”
“Where did you get this?” Destiny asked. “Did you go back to the site?”
Faith shook her head as the sick feeling in her stomach intensified. She quickly got up and stepped to the window for a big breath of fresh air. “I’m going to be sick,” she said, bending over and resting her hands on her knees.
She could hear Destiny rise to her feet and suddenly she felt wafts of air passing over her face. She closed her eyes and let the feeling of nausea pass. When she stood up she saw that Destiny had closed her notebook and was fanning the air around her.
“It’s so hot in here,” Destiny said. “I’m taking my shirt off. You should do the same.”
They were both dressed in their usual summer uniform of shorts and moisture wicking T-shirts with their companies’ logos. Faith followed Destiny’s lead and pulled her shirt over her head. The feel of air over her sweat-soaked skin helped somewhat, but the heat had nothing to do with Faith’s upset stomach.
If Destiny hadn’t sabotaged Faith’s landscape project that night then Faith had thrown away everything she loved because of some kind of deception.
“Are you feeling better?” Destiny asked softly.
Faith nodded, but realized Destiny probably couldn’t see her in the mostly darkened room. “Yeah, I think so,” she said quietly.
“Let’s sit down and figure out who in the fuck ruined our lives,” Destiny said with anger in her voice.
Faith couldn’t yet summon the anger she knew Destiny was feeling. Her heart was full of anguish, regret, and grief. What had she done?
“Can I see your phone?” Destiny asked from where she sat on the floor.
Faith handed it to her then sat down beside her.
“Someone must have wanted to win that job desperately,” Destiny said. “But who and why?”