Page 26 of Until We Weren't
Destiny stood up and looked into Faith’s eyes. “You couldn’t trust our love. What were you so afraid of, Faith?”
“Destiny,” Faith said. “Sit with me.” She took Destiny’s hand and eased them down to the floor.
Faith could feel strength building inside her and she knew it was Destiny’s love. She had to be brave and believe in herself. In the past Destiny was always willing to do anything to help Faith trust and believe in them. It was Faith’s turn to be the strong one, to show Destiny their life together was still possible.
“I can’t tell you how many thoughts were flying through my head and still do when I remember that time,” Faith said. “I was afraid that you would tell me you didn’t do it, but I knew it was you because the video was so real. I figured you would come up with some story and I’d believe you then we’d just act like it didn’t happen.” She sighed. “I didn’t think I was strong enough to leave you when I knew you’d done something like that to me. Or I’d take you back and keep being hurt.”
Destiny shook her head. “When have I ever lied to you?”
Faith smiled and stroked the back of Destiny’s hand with her thumb. “There’s always a first time, right? You know how I think.”
Destiny blew out a deep breath. “Have you ever lied to me?”
Faith was surprised by the question. She looked at Destiny and furrowed her brow. “I can’t think of one time I’ve done that. There were a couple of times after work that we were supposed to do something with the others, but I just wanted to be with you, so I said I was tired.”
“What else?” Destiny asked.
Faith gave her a puzzled look.
“I know those weren’t the only thoughts going through your head when you saw the video,” Destiny explained.
Faith nodded. “As I said, I was afraid to face you because I truly thought I’d crumble to pieces inside.”
“Oh, Faith,” Destiny said. “This is all so incredible because the last thing I would ever do is intentionally hurt you.”
“That’s what I thought. But you’ve seen the video.”
Destiny nodded. “It does look like me, but…”
“After I moved out, I started Lush Fields and things settled somewhat,” Faith said. “I was watching the sunset one evening and tears sprang to my eyes. I couldn’t stop thinking about you, but I realized in that moment why I was really afraid.”
Destiny looked over at Faith and waited.
“I knew I wasn’t good enough for you and somehow thought that maybe I could be someday.”
“What!” Destiny exclaimed. “Good enough? You are?—”
“Wait, Des.” Faith stopped her. “When you’ve been brought up like I have, scraped enough money together to get an education, been cheated on…I could go on and on. You get the idea you’re not good enough. So, I figured you were going to leave me someday anyway.”
“Faith,” Destiny said.
“I know how fucked up that is,” Faith said. “But that’s the way my heart knew to protect me.”
“Did I do something to make you feel that way?”
“No!” Faith said. “That’s all on me.”
“If I’d known you felt that way…”
“I know, you would have done what you do to reassure me and love me,” Faith said. “I don’t think I fully realized those feelings were there until I was without you.”
“Do you still believe that?”
Faith smiled. “No.”
“Good,” Destiny said. “Because you’re a successful business owner who happens to be the best landscape artist anywhere.”