Page 35 of Until We Weren't
Mrs. Baker raised her eyebrows in question. “I hope you were out with a certain friend of ours.”
Destiny laughed. “I was.”
A big smile lit up Mrs. Baker’s face. “You know how much I care for you and Faith.”
“I do.”
“I also know that you two are more than friends,” Mrs. Baker added. “I may be ninety and my eyesight isn’t what it once was, but I can see love and you and Faith are in love whether you want to admit it or not.”
Destiny smiled. “I do love Faith, but a lot has happened.”
“I’ve known y’all for over four years now and you’ve been in love the entire time. Even though you weren’t speaking to one another, the love was still there. I saw it.”
Destiny nodded, knowing the woman’s words were true.
“It seems to me that no matter what’s happened, as long as you have love then you have a start,” Mrs. Baker said. “I’ve been around a lot longer than you. Your love for each other can withstand anything. I’ve seen it.”
Destiny smiled. “We’ll see.”
“Come here, let me show you something,” Mrs. Baker said, slowly getting up with the help of her cane.
Destiny followed her over to a section of the flower bed that was bathed in sunlight.
“Look at these two plants,” Mrs. Baker said. “The sun zaps them and these pretty little pink flowers fold up to nothing. Then when the sun goes behind the building the flowers open up and smile at me like a friend.”
“Those are wood sorrel. That’s why we planted them there. They can withstand the sun and still be beautiful,” Destiny said.
“They remind me of you, Faith, and your love. It may have gone through some hard times, but it’s not done. It’s ready to smile again.”
Destiny smiled. If only it was that easy, she thought.
“You can leave early today, Amy. Thanks for taking care of everything while I took a nap. I haven’t been that zapped in a long time.”
“I’m sure it wasn’t just the lack of sleep,” Amy said. “An emotional roller coaster can wear you out. I still can’t believe that happened to y’all.”
Faith smiled. “Yeah, there were a lot of emotions swirling around that small shack.”
“When is Destiny supposed to be here?”
“Anytime,” Faith replied, looking at her watch. “I’m sure she needed a nap as well.”
“Okay,” Amy said, gathering her things. “You probably want me out of here so y’all can talk.”
“We need to work on this bid first,” Faith said. “I so want to win this project. Working next to Destiny every day would be…”
“Like old times?” Amy suggested.
“Better.” Faith smiled. “I’ll find a way for her to trust me again.”
Amy nodded. “Just be yourself. You’ve been a totally different person today. I’ve never seen you this…hopeful and light.”
“Because I am,” Faith said. “I haven’t felt this hopeful in a very long time.”
“I wonder if Destiny feels the same way,” Amy mused.
Faith shrugged.