Page 58 of Until We Weren't
“It’s okay, Des,” Faith said. “You don’t have to say anything. Thank you for singing with me and sharing with me.”
“You’re welcome,” Destiny said.
They finished their beers and Faith drove them back to Destiny’s office. She pulled up next to Destiny’s truck and got out.
“What are you doing?” Destiny asked.
Faith walked to the back of their trucks and held out her arms. “I think we could both use a hug.”
Destiny was hesitant at first, but then pulled Faith into her arms.
Faith nestled her head on Destiny’s shoulder and ran her hands up Destiny’s back. She had always felt safe in Destiny’s arms. Destiny was a few inches taller than Faith, but they fit together perfectly in Faith’s opinion. She loved how her nose was in the perfect spot to inhale Destiny’s scent and her lips were only millimeters away from Destiny’s pulse point. Faith hoped she’d get to kiss that highly sensitive spot again one day. But until then she was content with Destiny's arms holding her close.
Faith didn’t want to pull away, but she also didn’t want to overwhelm Destiny or seem pushy. Destiny knew what Faith wanted. She’d told her, and she’d also agreed to give Destiny time.
Faith smiled up at Destiny and stepped out of her arms. “See you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow,” Destiny replied. Before Faith got back into her truck Destiny quickly added, “Uh, thanks for this evening. I had a really nice time.”
Faith chuckled. “Stop draggin’ my heart around,” she sang, then got into her truck.
It didn’t take Faith long to drive home. She pulled around to the back of the building, stopping to close the gate. Instead of going inside her tiny house she walked into her office. It only took a moment to boot up her computer and get her notebook out. She was beginning to build the garden with a fountain as the centerpiece when her phone pinged with a text.
Get some rest. You’ll need it because we’ll be working late all week.
Faith read the text and chuckled. She and Destiny may have been apart for three years, but Destiny still knew her. Faith couldn’t wait to get started on the project. She felt like if they won the bid then nothing could stop them from rebuilding their relationship. Faith knew one had nothing to do with the other, but right now they were the most important things in her life.
She typed a text back to Destiny and sent it.
I will if you will.
It only took a moment for Destiny’s response to appear on the screen.
I have more important things to think about tonight.
“Hmm,” Faith mumbled. “I didn’t see that coming.” She figured Destiny would be excited to get going on the project.
Faith smiled as she typed out her reply.
Could it be Friday?
Destiny quickly replied.
Maybe. See you tomorrow.
Faith knew that was the last she’d hear from Destiny tonight, but what a good day it had turned out to be.
The hope in her heart was growing with every thought of Destiny.
She opened a drawer in her desk and looked down at a framed picture of Destiny. She’d kept it there since she’d opened Lush Fields Landscaping. It was out of sight, but she knew it was there. Maybe it was time to put it on her desk.
“Keep the faith, babe,” she whispered to Destiny’s picture and smiled.
Destiny put her laptop in her computer bag and walked out of her office.
“Are you off to work on the bid with Faith?” Monica asked.