Page 63 of Until We Weren't
“That’s all I could come up with.”
“We’re going to bury her by giving the contractor a concept they can’t refuse,” Destiny said.
Faith smiled at Destiny and gazed at her. “I think that’s confidence I’m seeing in your eyes.”
“You’ve had it all along,” Destiny said. “It took me a while to get there, but I’ve finally made it. You’re right, Faith, we’re going to win this bid.”
Faith nodded with a grin. Destiny finally believed in this project the way Faith did. Now if she could just get her to believe in them again.
“Have we done enough work for today?” Destiny asked. “I have a date I’m looking forward to.”
This made Faith’s smile widen. “No more talking about work?”
“I didn’t say that,” Destiny said. “You know how ideas pop into our heads.”
“That’s true,” Faith said. “Let’s close our laptops and have a drink on my beautiful terrace.”
Destiny chuckled as they both closed their laptops. Faith turned off the lights and they went out the back door.
“I have beer and wine,” Faith said. “Your choice.”
“Hmm, are we going to sit out here and watch the sunset?” Destiny asked.
“We can.”
“Then let’s have a beer,” Destiny replied.
“Coming right up,” Faith said. She went into the house, grabbed two beers from the refrigerator, and hurried outside to find Destiny sitting in one of the chairs on her front porch.
“Thanks,” Destiny said, taking the beer from Faith.
“To big things coming,” Faith said, holding her beer to Destiny’s.
“To big things.” Destiny clinked her bottle to Faith’s.
They both took hearty drinks from their bottles and sighed.
“Faith, I’m sorry I got so upset earlier,” Destiny said. “It all hit me at once.”
“It’s okay.”
“No, it’s not,” Destiny said. “I’m not angry with you. I mean that. I don’t want to keep bringing it up because I know it hurts you. The last thing I want is for either one of us to be hurt again.”
Faith sighed and put her hand over her chest. “It broke my heart to see the pain in your eyes, especially since I put it there.”
“No, Faith, we’ve worked through that and will continue to do so,” Destiny said. “That was all about Gloria. I mean, did you see that presentation? It was incredible.”
Faith chuckled. “Yeah, it was.”
“Just imagine what all we could’ve been doing,” Destiny said.
“We still can, Des,” Faith said.
“Yeah, we can,” Destiny said. “Starting next week when we win this bid.”
“I’ll drink to that.”
“Okay,” Destiny said. “No more work. What do you have planned for us this evening?”